Sam "" Roberts

43  2017-08-15 by heyrube1979

What a fucking douchebag

That is all


He really does have the voice and speaking skills of a 5 year old

The voice, speaking skills, cultural interests and diet of a five year old.

You'd think someone who goes by "The Last Professional Broadcaster" would work on their diction and cut out the retarded "like" and "uhh" shit. Fucking baby caveman.

Ha, i would say lets call him bam bam, but even that baby has more hair!

Big Jay and Dave Smith are bad for doing this too.

I've stopped listening. Sam is uninteresting. He babbles to fill quarter hours. He cackles like a woodpecker dolphin hybrid. He says LIKE constantly. He stinks. That is all.

Women also say "like"

Do you remember when radio message boards critiques the shows by calling them fags... now it's legitimate broadcasting criticism.

"Fag" is always legit

That's awesome, that's awesome.

And by the way!

Opie Jr is no better than Sr. No surprise, except to those who were determined to believe he somehow wasn't shit at radio.

Ending anything with "that is all" is just as douchey. Save that shit for Facebook, faggot.

I lost a letter grade for moving my hands nervously during a public speaking class I was forced to take in college and that faggot can't make it 4 words without saying "like" "you know" or "" and is getting paid. What pos school gave that mongoloid a degree and why does sirius insist on hiring mutants?

Didn't Sam go to Syracuse? One the best schools in the country for broadcasting?

Nothing makes sense anymore....

Wrong, he admitted that his marks weren't good enough for a communications degree. His major is social studies or some shit. Embarrassing.

Yeah when CQ asked him if he knew NBA player Derrick Coleman, stupid nugget fag said oh no I didn't go to broadcasting school, think d Coleman was a great journalist.


the way he says "uhnyeah" is horrible. the crutch master.

This child won't take a stand on anything. Unless its a dope ass Adam Sandler movie quote. Peeing your pants is cool because like like ummm... Hey look troy can't Google rolls in aids laughing.

Call the show and call him Virgil all week.

"Sam Roberts? Nigger haired fag." - Richard Simmons

Ha, i would say lets call him bam bam, but even that baby has more hair!

Big Jay and Dave Smith are bad for doing this too.