If you believe in ghosts and the paranormal you are quite literally a very stupid, very gay idiot.

149  2017-08-15 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

How the fuck is this haunted house faggot a guest on a comedy radio show? Or any show?

If I wasn't an unemployed loser I'd be annoyed they stole that time from me.


Most ghost are unemployed. How do we know you're not a ghost trying to cover your tracks?

Only most?

I would have said "all" but thinking about it, our favourite tranny-slurping ghoul Antwan isn't unemployed so I guess "most" is actually right.



You're in no position to oof anyone, queer.

as much as a faggot as i may be for enjoying hearthstone it doesn't change the fact that you deserved that oof

Is that what you do? You get an Oof and instantly look up someones post history to try and find ammo for a counter attack? What a massive loser you are.

angrily scrolls through post history

angrily scrolls through post history

"I'll show him! Through research!"

angrily scrolls through post history

We have a poltergeist, a spooky apparition, and 2 Frankensteins working the phones at my work. They're kind of jerk offs, but the spooky apparition might get a promotion soon.

Here's a lifejacket, mate. (Pay it forward.)

They're whispy apparitions

There's nothing better than listening to ghost footage on the radio.

I have the transcript- "wooooooo. Ooooooooo."

I found that transcript to be very convincing. Thank you sir.

"Hey! Ghost here!"

hahahah, you funny bastardo

You think thats uh waste uh time, try listening to the next 7 hours after Jim and Sam, you will wish YOU WAS a ghost or some shit. Tsss

I hate it when people give any credence to paranormal shit being true. The second anyone says they've seen a ghost I think they're retarded.

The worst is people who try to normalize it and think it's cool. "MY HOUSE HAD A FRIENDLY GHOST." Did it?

Ok, probably will get a lot of ectoplasm for this, but theres a theoretical physicist on youtube, who studied in the same dept as Stephen Hawkings, who has said online on camera to thousands of viewers, more than once, that ghosts exist.

Not just that, but this same physicist is a very high profile Buddhist head monk of about 30 years practice holding lifelong vows/precepts, and can't have any money, sex, drugs, personal property beyond a bowl and robes, and maybe some small personal bits and pieces.

Ajahn Brahm is his name ... and he's kind of the anti-Anthony.

He would definitely be a part of the fringe as far as physicists go. You can even find one or two who believe in young earth creationist bullshit.

Well then, Ajahn Brahm (aka Peter Betts) is a fucking idiot when it comes to ghosts. Smart people do believe in stupid shit. Pointing out one theoretical physicist out of 1000's who believes in the paranormal, doesn't exactly paint the paranormal in a positive light.

Also, I don't need a theoretical physicist to tell me about what happens when we die. Consciousness is a product of the brain; when the brain dies, consciousness ceases to exist.

I dont know, I didn't see the show in question. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss someone who's life long vocation is consciousness. Or Buddhist teachings on the nature of consciousness, which is at least as good as any theory.

As far as I see it theres a problem in that a pop sub-culture of complete utter lying tools has tied itself in the public imagination to a subject, blocking out any real, intelligent debate.

There is no consciousness without the brain. The brain controls everything in the human body, and without it, the body is nothing. Unless Peter Betts has proof that consciousness can exist without a brain, his opinions on the matter are worthless. I would take the opinion of a brain surgeon over this guy's any day.

OK. Heres a brain surgeon:


And a neuroanatomist who claims to have experienced non-local consciousness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Bolte_Taylor

and a dude with no brain smoking a blunt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljsfer2xRw8

and the first good link I could find to a true (google it) recounting of a guy who has a 126 IQ but a kind of car-rim shaped brain, that just goes round the inside radius of his skull, and weighs a tiny percentage of a normal brain.

I reject the suggestion that Betts/Brahm has a duty to prove consciousness cannot exist without a brain, since from what I've heard in his talks, I can't recall him ever saying that.

(The brain would probably just be considered to be a part of the body, which is one of the requisite 'skandhas' from Buddhism for a being to exist).

The debate about brain consciousness and philosophy of mind has been going on for some time now in academic circles. If we were purely physical pleasure or pain would just be events with no meaning. Getting blown would be no different from dropping a packet of fig newtons on your balls.

I linked Alexander not just because he's a brain/neurosurgeon who has some things about non-local consciousness to say, but also because he made the point that anesthesiologists still have no idea whatsoever about why anesthetics works.

Can't even approach the question of why the physical interacts with the conscious, or vice versa.

What all that means is that conventional dismissal, thinking we know shit, is just as retarded as any other theory.

You posted links to "claims" and to people who HAVE brains. You didn't prove shit. Gravity is not completely understood, but it DOES exist.

You sound like a fucking truther or creationist with your "we don't know, so this ridiculous assertion is just as credible as any other assertion" bullshit.


You are a retard if you buy into any of this shit, you Troy-Quan-sounding dumbass bitch.

Yeah man, hardcore. Its all bullshit man, all of it. Man ain't flyin. Ain't got no fuckin wings do we.

luddite halfwit.

Still waiting for you to show that consciousness is independent of the brain, Troy.

oh stfu.

do you want footage of dawkins describing consciousness as baffling you simpleton wannabe skeptic. you're not on the side of skepticism as much as you think.

What does Dawkins's description have to do with anything? You have yet to prove that consciousness can exist without the brain, you double faggot. Prove that, and then we can talk about ghosts, Mr. Rogan.

Go ahead and point out where I said ghosts exist.

No rush.

Point out where I claimed you did. I'll wait.

So if youre not claiming i said ghosts exist, then on what grounds are you saying im a rogan.

The forelorn hope that maybe you can be accepted as a skeptic, a great improvement from your current position of dumbass fag.

I don't even think Joe Rogan believes in ghost, so your first question (even though there was no question mark at the end of your sentence), doesn't even make any sense.

This sounds like a job for /u/drsteve103

Pleasure and pain make complete sense. They tell your body what is healthy and unhealthy.

jesus christ am i actually doing this on the o+a forum.

no. no im not.

Okay good. Now retract your statement and go fuck yourself.

which statement would you like retracted?

I need to point out the flaw of assuming consciousness as different from the physical (matter). What we know of as consciousness is a direct result of the brain's physical properties. It can be measured and the data even interpreted to differentiate between what you happen to be thinking (such as thinking of music as opposed to something visual). I did research papers specially on mono and dualistic brain/body models, their arguments, and scientific data (or lack of, in the case of dualism)

That is to say, you investigated with all seriousness the nature of consciousness and how it arises, putting aside the common layman assumption of 'its your brain innit' for one moment so you could dare use objectivity to get to the core truth.

If during that research you had a slack jawed buffoon telling you to stop being so gad damned stoopid son its all your brain, on the basis of nothing but conventional assumption ...then you would know how it is to have the joy of tehsamurais company.

Look up the works of Dr. Pim Van Lommel. He's a cardiologist that has spent most of his professional life studying his patients near death & out of body experiences. A lot of it is pretty convincing, such as one of his patients who was born blind but tried describing the colors she saw during her out of body experience.

Out of body? How is that possible? Your thoughts and personality are literally linked to the brain and it's state of being. That's why traumatic brain injuries have been linked to changes in personality and mental function. If what some people describe as a soul or spirit is not dependant on a body, then why does the physical state of the brain correlate with one's behaviours, mental functions, and personality?

Obviously a radio can be badly damaged, yet that doesn't indicate the radio wave being harmed. The brain can store and interact with consciousness is some unknown way similar to the analogy above, that doesn't infer that it's the sole cause of mental activity.

There is so much flawed here... you keep alluding to consciousness as something outside of the physical brain. Where do you get that idea from?

One of the theories is that the brain is the seat of consciousness rather than the source.

In any case a forum obsessed with a potential male models man boobs, and a racists relationship with a ladyboy probably isnt the place to discuss one of science/philosophies hardest questions.

Whose theory? And where did you get it from? I'm having doubts it's an actual theory in the formal sense of the term. There are people who have "theories" about ghosts, sorcery, and how reptilians run the world after all

Its a theory within the academic/medical world. I cannot at this time attribute it to one individual, but its realated to dualism. As im busy and on mobile heres a quick link to give context. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dualism/#MinBod Consciousness being a non physical phenomenon its going to be kind of hard to use traditional metrics.

It's commonly expressed in philosophy, mainly by theistic philosophers. Ever hear of Idealism? Under that worldview anything materialistic (including the brain) exists due to consciousness, not the other way around. Concerning consciousness's origins there's something called "the hard problem of consciousness" which exemplifies the problems under the naturalistic worldview. Not only this, the materialists have responded by promoting something called mysterianism which essentially says we don't have enough technological ability at this time to fully explain how the brain produces consciousness therefore "it's a mystery." It's actually the materialists that are resorting to cop-outs if anything.


Chomsky (atheist) talking about it:


You're citing William lane Craig? Haha.

Let me ask you a very simple question: where have we found consciousness without a brain?

Next, describe something "outside of nature" and how you know that to be so.

We may not know everything about a brain at this moment, but in the last decade or two especially we've made a lot of progress. And we know that as the brain ages or becomes physically altered, it's capacity and functions change - correspondingly. If you make a claim that consciousness is something magical, that has to be proven. Not from philosophers, or the ancient bullshit that created religions, but from non subjective methods that have theories which can be proven and studied. You seem to be appealing to magic to fill in the gaps

Yeah seen him, thanks. Gives me hope that patrice is out there somewhere, causing menstrual pain and miscarriages.

Technically, reflexes exist outside the brain, which probably contributes to certain armchair biologists thinking consciousness does too.

I don't care tbh about his claims. Some amazing scientists are wrong all the time. He might be saying that for other motives, like attracting more people to his work from the wild claim.


Cool, do they know how to use a cell phone? Anyone can claim anything, it's just an opinion based on what they saw/felt/heard, it means nothing in the world of science and reality. The best you could say is "I believe that you believe" which means you have no proof, come back when you have something testable.

We've been recording stuff in one way or another for thousands of years, billions of people came and went and not ONE could have one shred of evidence for ghosts and UFOs, yet we still believe it? Sigh...

I dont know if they can use cellphones. Then again I didnt makes any assertion, just a reference to someone who does. If you want to contest what he has to say then take it up with him. And dont go thinking youre introducing anyone to science or objectivity, when the man i referred to is a cambridge scientist from the same dept as hawkings. Learn the difference between a claim that something is, from a claim that something warrants further investigation.Sigh.

I think that's a little harsh. It's 40% lying attention whores, 30% retards, and 30% carbon monoxide poisoning

They had Ghost Train guy on the show?

Rick and Morty is for arrogant 22 year old faggots who identify as nihilists because they think they're too intelligent to be understood by their slack-jaw neighbors.

I'll have you know that this sub's own prodigal son Joyomi is a ghost hunter. Do you think he's stupid?

Is he that dude who does those hilarious and fascinating rants on YouTube?

Autism level infinity reached

Not just rants anymore. We now get small peeks into his personal life. He recently acquired a pug puppy that seems frightened of him. You've really gotta be on the ball to keep up with him because he promptly deletes most of his videos.



I love that moment when Anthony, for five seconds, starts to sympathize with Edgar and he immediately tells him to 'sheddup!'.

Jim is right, his characters aren't anti-heroes they're just awful people.

One of those things it's easy to be skeptical about until it happens to you. I know this will get downvoted but I absolutely had an experience I can't explain. Might have been a hallucination but a couple fucking creepy things happened in that one spot. Nowhere else on earth I've been has been creepy except that one spot.

Plus pets. When there's nobody there and your dog is just barking and snarling and won't settle down. I don't have shit figured out and I don't run around haunted houses with stupid equipment but I still believe something is going on.

That's pretty embarrassing, dude. At least reddit is anonymous I guess.

I don't give a fuck. I'm clearly not making shit up for the reddit karma or to impress this sub with my cool ghost stories. I know what I saw and accept that it might be a hallucination or momentary brain whatever and that most people won't believe me. I can handle the -11 comment karma.

You have a brain tumor and your dog saw a black person. Mystery solved.

There are cameras and dead people everywhere. Where are the fucking ghosts, faggot?

Just because you're too fucking stupid to be able to give something a rational explanation doesn't mean it was a fucking ghost you douche.

Might have been a hallucination but a couple fucking creepy things happened in that one spot. Nowhere else on earth I've been has been creepy except that one spot.

I guess we can't argue with your crystal clear description of what "happened"!

I wake up one lazy morning at my parent's house on Long Island and lay there peacefully. That "just woken up and am laying comfy in bed" feeling. Completely sober.

I blink and there's an old lady dressed in black on my ceiling. She lets out a screeching noise and comes towards me. Before I have a chance to scream she's gone.

I got out of bed and went on with my day. What can you do?

Happened once in my life and I'm willing to accept it was some sort of hallucination from just waking up. If you've got a better explanation than "maybe you are just retarded" or "you're stupid" or "you have a brain tumor" I'd love to hear it, but I could pass a fucking lie detector test that I saw that fucking woman.

Had you recently watched The Woman in Black or Trainspotting? My money is on some sleep paralysis shit or you might have woken up, gone back to sleep, and had a lucid dream.

I've "had" entire conversations with my girlfriend because I'm in bed and think I'm awake engaging in pillow talk. Then later on I'll ask, "what did you say about XYZ? I already forgot," and of course, we didn't have a conversation because I wasn't actually awake.

The opposite of that phenomenon is if I fall asleep watching TV or listening to a podcast, and I 100% think I remember everything that happened. I'll watch/listen later to discover elements of the show bled into shutting-down-pre-dream thoughts and create something garbled and stranger.

Did you ever think that maybe you are just retarded?

If ghosts did exist and decided to run around a house making noise for eternity that would make them the biggest faggots in history. We get it.... your dead. Ugh

Just because no one has ever seen a bigfoot and there's no proof whatsoever that they exist doesn't mean they aren't real (sigh).

mY ThRoat Is dRy

Brings back memories of Norton on Ghost Stories. Btw, was his story 100% fake or did he think he saw something paranormal but decided to add Edgar in to fuck with the show?

Part of it was true. I think he said he heard the pool game. Then he left the suite to go order a hooker to his original room.

Seems legit

It was the birth of Edgar. The only way he could convince the mansexual to piss in his mouth was a raspy request with the voice and cadence we now know as Edgar; "My TeEth aRe DryyyY"

For some reason Ant doing the impression of that gangster in the background mockingly going "Ey, e said his MOUTH is dry!" made me laugh harder than anything.

That whole gag was hilarious. That might be in my top 10 Jimmy moments ever on O&A. I can't believe he pulled that off.

Exactly what you said. It was kinda true but he put edgar in as a joke.

Went on the siriusxm app, and I saw they had Soder on. I start listening, and they're talking to an intern. I wait it out a bit, and they put the ghost guy on.

Fuck this show.

They actually made it fun. The guy didn't come off too crazy and said he only thinks he saw ghosts twice and the rest (20 years worth of stuff?) was nonsense. They also joked around and Dan spoke, it was fine.

I had a coworker who did ghost hunting. He brought in the "totally fucking scary demon voice" tapes that he had recorded one time for us. It was either him on the tape saying "what do you want from us?" and then trying to convince us that the tape hiss was a demon voice or you would hear him walking on tape and he would say "Total ghost, bro. I was standing still." It was embarrassing. I wanted to go with him and see for myself but "the equipment is getting recalibrated again." Total bullshit.

"Hello, Ghost Hunting Equipment Recalibrators Inc.? Is my Spirit Box almost ready?"

"Yeah, had to change the ghost sensor and adjust the voices of the dead module a little and it's definitely gonna need an apparition capacitor down the line."

He was less than pleased when my other coworker pulled a Patrice and said "why doesn't the ghost just show up and say he's a ghost?" Apparently, that is too simple, and we didn't get it.

Mike Stoklasa from RedLetterMedia believes in ghosts and he's not an idiot, and is only a little gay.

And here are some of his friends reacting to that fact.


Where has he said this? A few in this thread reference that for some reason

Mike went full Oswalt on poor Jessi.

I completely agree. I'm an atheist as well!

Are ya?

Your a theist? So am I!!

Of course Troy jumped right in there with a question. Finally a smart guest and not one of those pesky scientists.

Wish it was Troy who left a while ago instead of those two nobodies.

i'd love to sit and talk to troy one day.. he's one of those guys that can make you feel like a genius momentarily. like going back in time and talking to a fucking druid.

But druids were the educated class of their times.. So they would feel even more genius when talking to you, ya rapscallion.

they would believe in magic n shit though. i'd bring david blaine with me and appear god-like

Ahh.. Ancient Ireland, birthplace of the Bluray player.

Did the druids throw their girlfriends off of a cliff?

Troy is the O&A show's foremost expert on making ghosts, why shouldn't he jump in?

This would've been a good time for Ted the ghoststst hunter to show up and share some stories with the guy, too bad that would hurt someone's delicate throat too much. Better interview this random ghost dork seriously.

Can't tell if describing Troy or not...

I was hoping for an appearance from Ted the ghost hunter. Oh well.

The funniest thing about people who "believe in" ghosts and psychics is how they invent various "rules" about them.

"Why doesn't the psychic go to the track and get rich?" "Oh, because they're not allowed to profit from their gift like that." "Then why do they charge for readings?" "Oh, that's different."

Or those "ghost hunter" retards who have devices that detect ghosts, like you can build a machine to detect things that don't exist.

I read some recent papers some weeks ago that suggests some psychics, the ones that hear voices, have a type of mental disorder where interpersonal communication sounds to them like it's coming from an outside source. The rest just do something called cold reading and wrap it with superstitious fluff to make it appear mystical

Anyone with "real" psychic powers would immediately become one of the most powerful people on earth, thus it's highly unlikely they'd be working out of a Jersey shore boardwalk storefront. But again, apparently there are all sorts of "rules" about it, which I assume were created and enforced by the psychics union or something.

I can't believe a Soda visit was pissed away with this ghost shit.

Did the boys have TED SCHeckler owner of tED SchecKLER's GHost EmpoRIum on the show today?

No. Baby boy hurt his throat, and actually had to cancel two spots at the Cellar last night!!!!

Spooks ruined my neighborhood.


The house next door to me was sold to the paranormal.

I seen some outside floating eyeballs and teeth in the dark they stole tires rims off my car

I hope a skinwalker bites your head off

Replace head with hand, and you have our very own Guinea Wendigo

I don't believe in ghosts or goblins or horse pussies, but I honestly really enjoyed the segments on O&A where they would talk about hauntings, bigfoot, etc. -- well, not so much the parts where Opie would talk about how he can "sense" things. Ugh . . . .

Either way, I don't think you have to believe in any of that nonsense to find discussion of it entertaining. I just think of it as fiction(it is) and try to suspend my disbelief.

One thing Opie CANNOT sense: discomfort of his listeners.

When I was a kid my friend tried to convince me that Ouija boards were real, and that he was able to contact the devil. So we're using the board, when he asks the spirit to tell us who he is, it spells out "S-A-T-I-N"

How do you feel having made successful contact with a fabric?

I used to do home visits for work. I had a family who did live in a former funeral home. They would show me pictures of just anything, like light coming through a window, and say "do you see the outline of the girl's dress?" and I just agreed because I couldn't get anywhere otherwise. I never saw or heard a damn thing in that house. Actual corpses had been there, and it couldn't have been more pleasant.

I could sleep in a house with a lengthy history of importing and exporting an innumerable amount of dead bodies. Being in the Sharon Tate death house where that horrible massacre took place would definitely be creepy as fuck though. If you go to the Jonestown site I bet it's eerie as fuck despite the spaciousness and scenic beauty. Maybe it's the mind playing tricks on you but there's something about a the energy of a location where shit like that goes down.

A chunk of Danver's Hospital for the Criminally Insane has been turned into condos (where residents presumably aren't besieged by a portal to a dark dimension) so maybe a location is a location is a location after all. The cemetery is still there!


Funny how they only feel ghosts when they're told a story about something bad happening there. I bet you in 100% of tests, if you took ghost hunters to 10 places where nothing happened, but you made up a gruesome murder for each location, ZERO would say "no, I don't feel anything here" but all would refer back to the fake stories.

My friend and his brother used to live in an old house in the country that was haunted as fuck. We were sitting around smoking weed one night and the stereo turned on by itself. I would sometimes be there by myself and I was always acutely aware of being watched. Certain spots definitely have energetic residues of the past. Not that I necessarily believe them to be sentient.

Or you were just high and couldn't handle It?

Being high could account for the paranoia when I was alone, but it doesn't explain the stereo turning on. I guess it must've been a power surge and not the spirit of the boy the previous occupant of the house claimed his kid saw.

I had a girlfriend (no, really) a long time ago whose father passed away while we were dating. After his death, she kept telling me that she would get signs from him. You know, like things falling off a bookshelf, doors closing, that kind of thing. I didn't believe it and just kept telling her that she is imagining it, but she persisted. She said it was happening a lot. Yet any time I was with her at her apartment, I never saw a thing. She got to the point where she wanted to contact him, which I thought was absurd, but I tried to go along with him just to appease her. So she bought a couple of books about contact spirits or whatever, lit some candles, dimmed the lights, all that shit. So we sit down at the table, holding hands and she's like "Ohhh Chippah stick your big fawkin pecka in my fawkin cootah"

I had a girlfriend (no, really) a long time ago whose father passed away while we were dating. After his death, she kept telling me that she would get signs from him. You know, like things falling off a bookshelf, doors closing, that kind of thing. I didn't believe it and just kept telling her that she is imagining it, but she persisted. She said it was happening a lot. Yet any time I was with her at her apartment, I never saw a thing. She got to the point where she wanted to contact him, which I thought was absurd, but I tried to go along with him just to appease her. So she bought a couple of books about contact spirits or whatever, lit some candles, dimmed the lights, all that shit. So we sit down at the table, holding hands and she's like "Ohhh Chippah stick your big fawkin pecka in my fawkin cootah"

Go on...

Go live in a haunted house and try saying all that lol.

There's no such thing as a haunted house, you fucking child.

Go live in one and say that.

How can I live in something that doesn't exist, you fruit?

You're a fruit.

You ever suck a guy's cock?

Once or twice.

we got alot in common then

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Half Head Man +1 - OK. Heres a brain surgeon: (author) And a neuroanatomist who claims to have experienced non-local consciousness. and a dude with no brain smoking a blunt. and the first good link I could find to a true (google it) recounting of a guy who h...

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Mike Stoklasa from RedLetterMedia believes in ghosts.

But he's drunk 24/7.

Except for Mike stoklasa

Oh you stayed in the Edgar Room

SPOILER ALERT: I saw this piece of shit recently. The big secret is that "Sir" Noface is a child. It was unbearable. 5 seconds of spooky ghost footage looped through an unbearable home movie.

So uhh, what is this referencing exactly? Was this guy on the Jim & Sam show?

the combination of rationality and pure assholishness in this thread is a fucking breath of fresh air.

I have the transcript- "wooooooo. Ooooooooo."

But druids were the educated class of their times.. So they would feel even more genius when talking to you, ya rapscallion.

Did the druids throw their girlfriends off of a cliff?