According to this sub Rohan, Ari, Big Jay and others suck and aren't funny. So who is?

14  2017-08-14 by DButler1979


Aziz Ansari

Opie's lack of self acceptance is quite funny.

Chelsea Handler and Lisa Lampanelli are fawwking hilarious

As long as the comedian punches up, I'm a fan

What if a comedian poisons his wife? Is that considered punching up?

That is just mean-spirited.

Yup, it means you're a comic genius, so Matarese, if you're reading this start swinging at the doctor when she's sleeping.

Well I've heard that women are funny if that helps/

I assume "funny" in that sense translates as stupid, worthless receptacles for our gooey dick tadpoles, but still.

(Tom Segura)[] is good, he's beginning to get some recognition, if he blows up no doubt he will do a Burr and go SJW but for now he's pretty dark and funny. Nate Bargatze is also worth watching.

If you listen to their podcast he's already like half way there... For now toms really good at changing the topic and not letting Christina go on long anti trump rants... But who knows how long that lasts

Yea I passed on the podcast when I seen his wife was a main mic, the entire gender has an innate ability to ruin funny.

I saw his mostly stories special and despised it. He bored me.

All hail Rohan

I AM! now suck this pecka

For me, Rick Shapiro is a really funny comic. Stanhope too.

It's not that they aren't funny. They have their moments, and obviously nobody is going to be on all the time, and if they were it would be very tiring and fake. My issue is they take themselves more seriously than they should, to the point where making fun of their negative attributes is more entertaining than what they are doing.

Rogan is ok, but he has so many cringey aspects about him. I'd still listen to his podcast if he wasn't so repetetive with his subject matter and predictable with his response to everything (take mushrooms, do kettlebells, and the guests should start their own podcast). Even the interesting guests make for the same show.

I don't know much about Big Jay, but what I think I know about him is pretty great. If he was a character he would be a genius. The way he captures the essense of late 90's Jr High dropout. Not just the clothes and the awful looks, but the attitude. He thinks he is cool, that he looks good, that chicks dig him.

I couldn't take that skanks show, to the point where I didn't even give it an honest chance to grow on me. Just too much "ironic" and referencial stuff that isn't very funny. Basically the majority of modern comedy: too much "haha this is the opposite of funny, isn't it ironic" and no real laughs. It's really fucking easy to know what isn't funny and do the opposite. It is hard to be funny on merit, quickness, and originality. Suprise me at least a little bit, or I'm just going to agree that what you're doing isn't funny but I understand what you're going for and at best go heh. heh-heh and get annoyed the more you do it over and over.

This is my criticism of Ari as well. He knows what isn't funny, and he was semi-involved in things that are funny like The Big 3. But that is other peoples shit and he is just hanging out with them. Ari himself is funny sometimes, but usually it is just blunt honesty for shock value, and the rest of the time he is basically an audience member.

Say "to the point" again.

I'm just riffin, you gotta spot me a repeated garbage phrase. Surprised anyone would read so much blowhard vomit

I didn't

This is a great point. I don't think anyone on here can't acknowledge that so-and-so isn't funny but when you get too pretentious and up your own ass it's easier to chink at the armor

This is a great point. I don't think anyone on here can't acknowledge that so-and-so isn't funny but when you get too pretentious and up your own ass it's easier to chink at the armor

I saw Ari open for Rogan a few years ago and he was better than Rogan for sure.

That whole group stinks

Tom Segura is better than the next three of them combined.

I love the idea of aris show but every time I see one of those dogshit overproduced not funny awful campy skits I want to rape my computer in rage.

Ari, like most of the Rogan acolytes, is too worried about sounding "smart" than funny. All those guys are boring podcast/talk guests, because their chief concern is coming off as these worldly & sage arbiters of cultural criticism.

I don't know if it's the weed or their insecurity or both, but they all generally bore the shit out of me and I don't find any of them funny or particularly interesting to listen to. I don't think Ive ever laughed at anything Ari Shaffir has ever said or done, I just don't get the guy. I don't even hate him, I just have like zero opinion on him one way or the other.

He's a pretentious fag that thinks he's enlightened. He should have stayed in LA

People here also don't like Bert, but I saw him Friday night and it was fantastic. He doors opened about an hour late but that's because the guy just keeps going, the show started around 10:15 and we didn't get out until 1am.

One guy I'd like to see appear on J&S that we haven't heard from in awhile is Bobby Lee (unless he did recently, I'm only on 8/2).

You just listened to him screech and cackle at himself for 3 hours straight? Did you see him at guantanamo?

fortune feimster is a hoot! She a women, shes gay, and shes fat! The whole package

Stand Up comedy is just dogshit nowadays. People on here get on their high horse and trash Louie and Burr for getting to famous/SJW and there is truth to that but I will still put their specials above the majority of people claiming to be funny nowadays. Louie did a bit on fucking SNL a year and a half ago about pedophilia and got away with it.

O&A really ruined stand up for me because I find conversational comedy to be the best kind now. For instance Dan spider, I watched that Netflix special he did and while I didn't laugh I can acknowledge that he's talented and likable and I'm rooting for him. But conversationally he's one of the best and radio is a good format for him.

I think the same can be said for most O&A regulars

I agree, its weird how Louie and Burr are wayy better on SNL/late night panels than in their actual specials. Louie’s recent SNL monologue was much funnier than his netflix special and Burr is funnier on Conan and his podcast than on his special. I’m actually a big fan of Jay and Soder too. I like Soder better on radio but Jay’s CC special was actually my favorite in recent memory. It surprised me bc I’ve seen him at the cellar and the stand and he mostly does crowd-work, but his actual written bits were pretty great IMO.

Jay is a great comedian. Saw him live last year at a casino and it was just an hour of him shitting on the crowd and the casino. He's a funny, shitty style and all.

And I know this is going to make me some enemies on here but I really liked DeRosa's special from earlier this year. DeRosa's a good comic. I think his first few albums are great

I wasn’t crazy about his one last year but his earlier album is played over CC radio all the time and its great. His opening bit about asking for a bathroom key in PA is hilarious.

O&A really ruined stand up for me because I find conversational comedy to be the best kind now.

same here. probably because it separates the genuinely funny and socially adept people from those who spend months writing and rehearsing a single joke for their set.

Exactly. But as a fan of stand up (and like I said it's hard to be nowadays) I can still respect the writing and rehearsing aspect too. It's just annoying in this day in age how all that works is usually accompanied with "Guys, the president is bad"


Me: that was my bit. Louie fawkin stole it from me. He never came back on the show after I made him big- sniff

I've enjoyed all of Burr and CK's material until their most recent Netflix specials. I was looking forward to both and couldn't get through either.

I don't care how you felt about them. My point is is that their C material is better than most other comedian's best and I'll always see what they put out

I agree. I just tried to watch a few specials this weekend (TJ Miller) and some other forgettable comic. 5 minutes in and there were no jokes. No clever, well constructed jokes stand up seems to be what gets you a special nowadays. (that last sentence was horrendous but I'm too lazy to correct it). There are a few exceptions. Joe List and Mark Normand to name a few. I was just disappointed with Burr and CK this time around. Someone needs to tell them that they don't have to put a new hour out every year. Every other would be fine and would lead to better quality.

Attell, Norm, Chip, Artie but not his stand-up, Soder but not his stand-up

Artie's standup is complete dogshit. I gotta give credit to the fact that he can still get dummies to shell out bucks to see him ramble and repeat himself on stage.

I love Soder on podcasts and shows, probably more than anyone I've heard. I popped on his episode of The Comedians, and... oof. He's talented, but his material wasn't half as funny as just regular stories he's told on various podcasts.

Rich Vos

I think Ari Shaffir is genuinely funny, standup and in conversation. Not the most likeable fella, but oh well.

He's very aerodynamic

Chris Benoit.

I hear he was pretty well-hung.

I don't know anything about his penis. I just know he killed his family.

Colin Quinn.

I find Brian Gilgore's observations to be riveting.

Who the fuck is rohan

All I know, is you don't mess with him.

Dem niggaz dat fucks with horses and shit in lord of the rings

Big Jay, Luis J Gomez, Dan Soder, Joe List, Nick Mullen, Kurt Metzger, Owen Benjamin

Big Jay, ughh even his name has to be accessorized, is a funny guy. He just dresses like an edgy 8th grader, and justifiably so, gets shit on for it.

I really like Lewis Black whenever I see him. I don't want to ever check his social media accounts in case it's as awful as I imagine it is.

George Carlin was pretty good

Sometimes they're funny. But surely you know a funny person that you dislike. Don't tend to laugh so hard with them, do ya?

This "Rohan" shit is overplayed. Using an h where there should be a g. Hilarious.

Also, if you actually think Rogan is funny, you are a faggot.

I'm a big fan of Whitney Cummings

Nick Mullen

Bam Margera

They arent funny so why do you care?

I just find it amusing that this sub hates everyone. Everyone sucks, it's comical.

I enjoy Rogan, Ari, Segura, Big Jay, Bert Kreischer. but not their stand up. I think stand up is one of those things that technically everybody can do, because it is just talking, but very few can do well. I like Louie,Attel, Burr, Jefferies etc because I feel they have translated what is genuinely funny about themselves into their act. Whereas for example Ari's standup comes across as unnatural, contrived, unoriginal and not as funny. Or Rogans last special triggered, like always, it was funny and made me laugh but its too much yelling and not enough of a range of emotion. I love rogan but that monotony wears off after 15 min and you loose interest.

On the other side there are guys like Bob Kelly who honestly are hilarious. The way he effortlessly comes up with funny is amazing. Yet I hate Bobs stand up. Bob on the radio is the absolute best. His stories and lines are in the highest tier, but it doesnt translate into his act

Nothing against any of those guys (language!), but you have to realize there is a hierarchy in standup

tss gondor or sumthin