FACT: Ari Shaffir is an annoying-faced, unfunny bag of jizz

0  2017-08-14 by ElmerDudd



I slept with a girl. Her name was Bridget. Bridget Alison Davis. She resides at 221 Church Street in Manhattan. She wasn't very good in bed. She just laid there. I tell you all this specific, unnecessary detail because I'm a bad comedian. I am very literal but think I'm a truth teller. So I tell very specific details about people the audience doesn't know or care about because I tell the truth. If I didn't tell you all the details I wouldnt be a truth teller, I would be holding back, my art wouldn't be pure. I'm too literal to understand that comedy is used to expose broader truths, not trivia about girls you bedded. Ari is a retard overcompensating for a sheltered childhood wasted away in a Hasidic cult.