BLATANT Opie bashing on The Chip Chipperson Podcast XD

1  2017-08-14 by TinOwl_Twitch


Watch Jim and Ant's faces, a lot of unspoken shit there.

Fucking hilah-rious. GWON NOW.

We heard you.

I can't look at Ant's face.

As a sub we can't condone your use of laughing emoticons faggot.

Thanks, and happy cake day, jerk off.

"that's best the way to do it, wait for someone else do all the leg work, then jump in there like a dope"

Is Jim doing this to cover up a case of Lou Gehrigs disease?

Someone make a compilation of Opie stepping on punchlines

I just kept on listening to the podcast. It's not really that good. I love that Jim is stuck in this shit character now.

Thanks, and happy cake day, jerk off.