With all the right wing love here...

0  2017-08-13 by syphon229

How many of you faggots actually believe in the right wing platform? How many are really against "baby murder" or for "spreading democracy" to the shit holes of the earth? Do you actually believe a 2,000 year old zombie Jew is coming back to save you? Just curious to see what the actual political spectrum is.


Conservatives worship a non-existent god, liberals worship themselves

We only seem right wing because pop culture is cancerously too far left

Fuck, I think you nailed it. Where would you put yourself in terms of the political spectrum?

Classical liberal. Slightly left of center


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Democrats, Republicans? They can both go climb a tree for all I care!

Easy with the language buddy!

Hey thats vulgar

I'd say the majority here are actual liberal/lefties. They just use the "supporting the right" to be edgy. That Cernovich guy and the rest are most likely very liberal, they found a niche to make money from promoting the right. Cernovich, has a half-breed kid for chirst sake.

How many of you faggot and nigger loving/ Islamisist apologist lefties are really for "baby murder" or for "taking away democracy" from the people of this country? Do you actually believe slavery and Jim Crow is the cause of black violence; when latinos, whites, asians and arabs are violent too. Do they get to blame slavery or segregation? Do you actually believe Islam is a peaceful "religion" and is a good idea to import them en masse into Western countries? Just curious as to see how you justify your idiocy.

Islam, like all religions, is dog shit, blacks have a sub culture that needs to be eliminated, and I wouldn't support any of those shit holes in the Middle East unless we were renovating them into storage units, the left isn't vilify abortion. Not a clue what "taking away democracy" is but I suppose it is an insinuation that the points I made are exaggerated when a majority of the right is Christian, pro life and support the effort in Iraq which makes you a retarded faggot. My sincere liberal nigger/islamist loving apologies to you.

It means you lunatic lefties are for ignoring democracy and laws of the land and people when it suits your political agenda. Like when illegal immigrants are being granted rights, privileges and even awarded monetary settlements that should only be for legal citizens. Like how the left is trying to turn to socialism... Now you get it? you inept clown.

So you know the majority on the right are for those things, yet you still asked if they are for those things.

Punch of salt. -- Punch? -- Punch. Punch of salt. -- Punch or pinch? -- Punch, punch. Not pinch. What'd I say? I say pinch? -- Nah, you said… you said punch. -- Sometimes you don't make no fuckin' sense, syphon.

Asshole, read my fucking post. I don't give a fuck what the majority of the right thinks. I'm asking what the members of this subreddit think. How far to the right are the members of this forum? Does that clear it up?

Idk, do you believe in 500 genders and also nongenders?

Fuck no, men women and people who have some genetic issues which cause them to mentally/physically slip in between. You?

I believe men are actually women but society is fucked up and makes the real men women

You have a diverse, yet hateable, 3 years of post history.

Great, you going to suck my dick now?

I think that there are a lot of losers who haven't fucked in years that post here and are angry that "niggers" aren't paying taxes and are living the highlife of that $900 a month welfare check. They are alcoholic fat pieces of trash that like to blame their failures on people they rarely even interact with.

I've been feeling pretty apathetic about politics for the past few months, I think I'm pretty much over the opinionated phase of my life. I get annoyed listening to leftist rhetoric, and stuff like gay marriage being legal and trannies using the wrong bathrooms makes me a little angry (but not take to the streets angry). I mostly try to ignore the media because I think it's 100% propaganda these days. No one watches the new to be informed, they just want their dumb opinions reinforced.

I'm a moderately-liberal millennial retard who doesn't really give a shit about politics.

I pretty much just hate every 1 sided person. So I'll literally argue with an alt righter and than take the opposite side against an sjw. I guess I'm just middle of the road boy....except when it comes to religion. FUCK RELIGION, you're retarded if you practice religion, and Islam truly is the worst religion

I'm a left leaning faggot who hates both the identity politics and corporate (maaaaaan) dick sucking of spineless democratic officials, and also the faux patriotism and wall st cock worship of republican officials.

But on specific issues, there is common cause that can be made with other civilians (non-comedians) from the other side of the aisle. Both of our political parties have been garbage for a long time, and neither of them faithfully represents their constituencies.

However, evangelical christian right wing zealots can all fuck off back to church. keep your religious horseshit out of government and get back to bible study or whatever the fuck it is you cunts do. better yet, take a plane over to the mideast and just wait for armageddon with the jews.

SCORCH 2024!


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You should smile,and blow me.

Great, you going to suck my dick now?