At times like this, when the whole country seeming to be tearing itself apart, I like to look at soothing cat pics.

67  2017-08-13 by OsloJimmy


I can haz Poland.

That cat looks like hitler

That's what Beavis looks like without the dye job Anthony applies for pictures and videos.

Son of a- good eye! I never would have sussed that out.

Looks like a mulatto mongrel cat.

u/Guinness525 comment?

Beavis 2

Interracial garbage.. shovin' it down our throats

Cookie... Cookie... Cookie...

Say cookie.......

...come on Skippy

When we come back from break, that goddamn cat is going to say cookie.


arbeit macht friskies

Some people keep cats around to exterminate pests.

Hitler cats rule.

Hahahaha it's Charlie Chaplin as a cat!


I watch liveleak videos of people that I don't like dying in horrible ways.

that cat rulez, & I cant tell why

Cats are really the masters