"What's white, what isn't," let's stop pretending anyone on this sub is some Anglo or Nordic adonis

5  2017-08-13 by Single_Action_Army

I can only assume you're all the worst your races have to offer. I hate when fatties think they're cool because their great great grandad built a church or something.


Sir, I could have been a model.

Only if you have what we call in the modeling industry the "staircase" lower teeth row.

For the 80% of non Americans that make up this sub.. he's referring to the other 20% 😀

No, you guys are worse. You openly invite migrants to shit on and dismantle the culture you're so proud of.

Yeah but nigga you'd be soo jealous of how white my skin is..

I'm a non-fat dubiously heterosexual white male who accepts all creeds and colors and doesn't pat himself on the back for it. We're dying off.

I'm saying that you shouldn't love yourself,
not that you shouldn't hate others. That's just innocent fun.

Oh don't worry I definitely don't love myself

My great great grandad had his slaves build his church pal.

I'm half white(anglo and northern italian) and half other(slav and sicilian)

Like only guys like some faggot 4chan Proud Boys would say Slavs and non-moorish Sicilians are non-white.

My sicilian ancestry is pretty dark skinned and curly haired. And slavs may be european, but that doesn't make them white.

Let me guess: you nervously talk to black people about how you really aren't white and are totally "down"?

No. That would be racist. I usually tell them that I didn't even notice that they were black because I don't see color.

What color are Poles if not white?

Why did hitler want to exterminate them if they were white?


Slavic-Germanic power struggles in central/eastern Europe made eastern Germans like Hitler, from multi-cultural Austria, anti-Slavic

Because he was a weirdo who lacked the Aryan features he got his dick hard over

Fair enough. I don't actually give a shit. I find it funny that people genuinely care whether their ethic group is a meaningless term like "white".

Yeah that's why you post all the time about it.

Because I find is funny. I like to raise the hackles of people who take it seriously. They're faggots.

They are whiter than ghost...

Yet they're mostly violent drunks. The average life expectancy for slavs is like 65.

I've grown wealthy off the self-destructive habits of white men and their addiction to gambling.

I get a real kick out of the way British people think they are in way superior to Italians, Irish, or Slavs. It's adorable.

In way superior?


You literally can't tell the difference between English and Irish. Plus Northern Ireland is British.

True. I should have specified -- I'm referring mostly to the English and Irish Catholics. I haven't heard much from the Scottish and Welsh. My point still stands: English people are subhuman.

I'm a mess and my race is worse off for me

here's the thing: my life is a bit & I commit! I'm gonna find you, & make you expain this silly comment ... do you doubt for 1second I wont? see you soon ;)

I'm Anglo and Il fuck you up nigga

I'm nordic so go fuck yourself! Not an adonis though but 1/2. Although, my mother's father is a sand nigger. Wouldn't believe it watching my ice blue eyes and blonde hair.

Which type of sand nigger? Sand niggers come in many different varieties

Algeria, not the worst I guess.

Still counts. The worst.

Don't beat yourself up over it. If Fuhrer Spencer wins the war, I'll put in a good word for you so you can join the ethno-state!

Yeah they say you should refrain from saying racy shit online, on contrary it'll be a good thing with NWO. And not the NWO these faggy, spoiled leftist kids are going after, the good kind.

Blue yes are a recessive trait, shitdick.

Hey cuntbag, that has nothing to do with first impression. Person sees me he's not thinking I'm partly dirty donkey fucking camel dealer. That's what I was going after with the whole "Wouldn't believe it" part.

Either you're lying about your eye color or you're not as arab as you want to believe.

There's no reason to do either of those. That's all I know, he was an Algerian sand nigger and my mother has darkish skin, like a mulatto would. And I have blue eyes and blond, well what's left of it anyway.

As a black man, I am working hard to bring the deluded Cumia Caliphate back into our fold.

But really, I'm mostly here because Patrice was on this show and Jim Norton is a deliciously hilarious worm of a man

well i am a blue eyed blonde haired german but in my case that really

does only sound good on paper


there's no such thing as a proud OnA fan you guttersnipe

Found the muzzie

I'm a beautiful white Australian man.

Because I find is funny. I like to raise the hackles of people who take it seriously. They're faggots.

Algeria, not the worst I guess.