Indirect shots fired by talent-free mutant towards self-loathing Negro drunk. Show #3 should be interesting, if Antwan is allowed in the building again after his weekend of pointless twitter spats.

4  2017-08-13 by McGowan9


Sam taking after his mentor, trying to go viral. "We don't have people like Colin in anymore because these woke twitter users will get me 1,000 retweets on their interview"

I've always disliked him. And certainly not for his political views. Don't give a shit what your politics are, that's your business.

I don't like him because he's a dullard who's not good at his job but is convinced he is. I don't like him because his voice would've been an effective enhanced interrogation technique in GitMo. I don't like him because he has a less sophisticated palate than my 2 year old son. I don't like him because he talks on-air about wrestling, as if anyone apart from 11 year olds and retards care.

Most of all though, I dislike him because he dismissed the great CQ ,on live radio, in favor of whichever steroid-ridden greased up fake fighter he was intent on having in that day.

What's the story behind him not having Colin on? Did he say this on air or something?

It wasn't that black and white to be fair. It was one of the earlier Jim and Sam episodes, someone else can search for it and pull it up; I've had a few, have work tomorrow and am going to bed.

To paraphrase, he basically said a lot of the old fans were clamouring for Colin and the other O&A comics, and that they'd have them on sometimes, but that they were trying to start their own thing and would be having a variety of guests on (i.e. Jim's trannies and female porn stars and Sam's greased up musclemen.)

He said this without any irony and is if he was speaking to a fresh new audience of 10 million people who shared their niche interests. Instead of 10,000 creeps who were hoping they re-kindled the magic of before.

And tbf they've had CQ on (once, I think) since then. Can't be arsed to find the clip. Think it was just after the Nancy Grace thing. Some other autist will link it, I'm going to try to get 8 hours before hitting the job site.

Caller was bitching about them always bringing in UFC and WWE people, who are boring. He says "why can't you bring in people like Colin more?"

I don't remember the exact quote but Sam said something like "I love Colin, but his videos don't bring in views on our YouTube account"

Sam do us all a favor a KYS thanks

Stay out of this, Sam. It doesn't involve chicken fingers.


It kind of does though, doesn't it? Those people love their mushed up, processed chicken. Especially when it's deep fried.

Muslims only eat lamb's asshole and skinheads probably can't force meat down their throat past the biscuits and gravy.

Does anybody actually think AntH has the intellectual capabilities to hold consistent views?

He does hold consistent views. His problem is that he's relatively smart but completely uneducated. In some ways that's worse than a dumb shit who went to university.

He couldn't even finish high school, let alone apply for college. This was, in part, due to the proclivity of his people to forfeit tertiary education in favor of "a fast buck" - dealing coke - or getting a trade.

A university education in the last 10 years is largely useless, unless you're studying a STEM subject or are attending a top university for a traditional humanities or linguistics major - Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, UCL, Princeton etc.

Simply put, Anthony never learned to "read" - i.e. scan a scope of sources/scopes on any particular subject and then analyse.

There are billions like him all over the world, most are not as intelligent (115 IQ) as him and the vast majority are voiceless. He's a quite smart dumb guy who a few people listen to.

Tl;dr - Ask your stupidest uncle (the embarrassing alcoholic one who makes a scene every Easter) what he thinks about anything. That's our favorite Moroccan sex offender's opinion too.

Samm Roqerts

God, he is going to be insufferable and totally misinformed about this tomorrow,

Next time Sam tries to sound poignant, he should use "number" instead of "amount"

His kid is chineeboy.