Spaghetti and meatballs kills more Italians than blacks and muslims combined

59  2017-08-13 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Shouldn't they be more worried about their diet than racial minorities?


Thats fawkin hilarious dood, u should be a comedien

Just wait until I get into my black people be lovin friiiiiiiiied chicken material.

black guys don't eat the coochie ....... unless it's fried!


Be sure and work on your set at the Apollo.

You say odd shit to people dude

I'm weird. That's my charm.

Edit your comment to be an Opie response you fawkin civilian.

Guns kill a lot of black people, no a peep from ant the political genius.

And modern guns were invented by white people. So really, almost every black on black murder is actually a white on black murder.

Schinkel bout it..

I think your confused about logic.

logic is pure mathematics .... 8+0= nice pecka in-m0uth

Guns don't kill people; rappers do! I seen it on a documentary on BBC2

Big blacks cocks 2?

Freudian much?

British Broadcasting Corp. ('Broadcasting'? bunch of women fishing or summet. tss)

So did sticks. What's your point?

luckily for Joe Materese, he can't afford any Spag & balls ... so he'll be living on granola rations from his dominant wife 'til the divorce

Spag & balls

You people really are the worst.

I've never heard anyone say 'Spag & balls' ... so yes, I'm the worst of the worst

It sounds like something Colin Quinn would make up to bother people.


I turned off Ant's last appearance on Jim and Sam because he went off about race

His obsession with blacks is pathetic.

It's funny, because the odds of Ant being attacked by blacks in his upscale Jewish neighborhood is probably the same or worse than your average black person being attacked by nazis.

Probably worse because the thugs he's afraid of would take one look at his McMansion and move on to a house that contained anything worth stealing.

[wheezes while walking across the room] IT'S PRONOUNCED PRO-SHOOT

Italian spouse abuse is on the same level as muslims.

Southern* Italian

Ah but if you tasted my muddas sawce....

eeyyy ohh fuck you tough guy

Especially when it's thrown against the wall

Italians are the rape babies of muslim niggers.

Oddly... the Italians and French are a helluva lot more healthy than average Americans.

It's funny, because the odds of Ant being attacked by blacks in his upscale Jewish neighborhood is probably the same or worse than your average black person being attacked by nazis.

Probably worse because the thugs he's afraid of would take one look at his McMansion and move on to a house that contained anything worth stealing.