The obvious joke

1  2017-08-13 by FlashVirus

Shouldn't it be, "Your mom should take pictures of bigfoot!" since all bigfoot pictures are blurry? Wouldn't that be the obvious joke here? Also isn't it "bigfoot" not "big foot?"

Le'ts create an open dialogue about this tweet.


I'm so fucked up on heroin i dont even know where i am

*heroine as Opie would spell it.


Kratom knows where you are.

goddamnit I'm so sober I feel insane

I hope youre not 450 pounds so the odds are against you next time

you are at the right place

wouldnt she be good at taking photo of big foot? fuck

It says I'm not authorized to see these tweets, but I don't have a Twitter account.

Fuck it, I don't even know why I care what this faggot wrote