Hoping this will brighten your day :)

20  2017-08-13 by Suibu


This is some of the dumbest, faggiest goddamn bullshit I've ever read.

Your reaction is hilarious

Yours wasn't

I was telling something honestly to u/Xanadu251. Around here; honesty comes off as sarcasm. But I really did mean it.

Did ya?

I did.

It doesn't matter anymore, just bail out.



That.. didn't brighten my day at all! In fact, I might go buy some liquor and aspirate in my passed out sleep.

DM me if u need a friend... or maybe more ;)

Would have been the days conclusion if you won the lottery you drunk.

WTF is with all these faggy posts?

Catch the HI Virus, brotherman!

whats this blog thing

Sometimes theyd call each other at 4am and just fawkin howl for hours man

I'm 110% certain that he was jerking off when he was calling her

one time I watched a guy cut the head of his cock off with a knife in the BME pain olympics

What the fudge

There's a pain Olympics? And what does BME stand for? Sure, Google is there, but somehow I want to here you explain this, if you don't mind.

BME was a magazine about body modification, extreme piercings, implants, that kind of shit. The pain Olympics was a contrast they held about fucking up your body and who would do the most gruesome shit. The guy that won cut off his dick head. A lot of people say it's fake. The video is still floating around on the net but this was a pretty long time ago.

I think the winner actually cut his balls off, either with a knife or a lot of rubber bands

Did ya? Did ya reeeeally?

Anybody who makes their screenname a combination of their name and their partners name deserves to watch their partner die of terminal illness.

I read the 4 Hour Workweek, so now I only answer faggy texts from nancy boys between 12:00PM and 12:30PM.

You should get a virtual assistant from India.

I hope the next time Oli feels Austin pulling her closer to him in bed at 4AM is from his muscle spasms as his body is engulfed by the flames burning their house down

Pulling him* closer


This made me so Mad. First, the assertion that his went viral prior to he "update." I don't believe any of this.

It's a falge flag

a false pride flag

I hope the next time he wakes up at 4AM he goes full Chris Benoit.

I'll bet that didn't even happen and it's just a story he told to make his life sound more interesting than it really was.


My day was already perfectly spiffy. But now I'm over the moon! Thanks, mister!

I hope Austin gets cancer and as she's wilting, discovers Oli fucking someone younger. The heartache makes her stop fighting and she dies, and the guilt drives Oli to suicide.

Fuckin' fags.

They're both guys

Oh, in that case AIDS and the promiscuous nature of those sinners will handle it.

How lovely


Fuck. You.


Tass wait wait wait!....ummm....wait!...

You got somethin?

I pray there is a hell.Just for you

Fingers crossed 🤞🏽

I read that.. now I have aids. Thanks fucker!