No way is Artie going to be Ant's new co-host!

3  2017-08-13 by sawxfan23

There is ZERO chance that Artie is going to risk his gig on Crashing to become Ant's new co-host! As much as I think Cumia is one of the quickest and funniest guys around he is unable to stop with all the political bullshit.


ZERO hance!

tss waddaya an amputee or sumthin


Gavin is probably leaving soon. They need "star power" and I use that term very liberally.

What do you think Gavin's move is? The Proud Boys have made him toxic to anything close to mainstream. Does he double down on the alt-right and fight for an ethno-state?

Likely a 100% political podcast network. Compound is right leaning, but it's mainly comedy related. Gavin is too political for this bunch.

He'll either join a network like that or start his own and give a show to every Proud Boy.

What the fuck is Crashing?

Opie's career.

Something that old washed up NYC stand up comedians think is highly relevant.

If not Artie then who?

Yes, because Artie is well known for making smart choices when it comes to his career and his future. Great point dumbass.

Other than drugs what bad decisions has Artie made with his career fuck face? An ugly, fat, degenerate gambler, heroin & cocaine addict, dropout from Jersey has made himself 10s of millions of dollars in his career. I would say he has made some pretty fucking smart decisions along the way!

For starters signing on as Anthony's co-host.

I think by the time he's the co-host he would have already filmed it (they are filming now). Who knows what state he'll be in if there even is a 3rd season