Can we get Antwan investigated for nazi paraphernalia?

0  2017-08-13 by olebillyredface28


America is not Europe

Not for long if Chelsea handler and kumail nahdusja gets their way

You forgot to add "faggot".

There's way more Nazi paraphernalia at your local Holocaustâ„¢ Museum. Start there.

I'd rather Ant bite 10,000 hands before the libs get the fascist state they want.

the libs

Brother Joe douche chills, every goddamn time.

It's just a shortened form of the word "liberal," dumbfuck. Nothing inherently pejorative.
Do you sperg out too when people say "crippled" instead of "handicapped"?

This is a joke on me right??

This isn't Sweden you commie fuck.

Found the foreigner.

Germany is a fag country.
