Weekly Free-For-All Thread: August 13, 2017

1  2017-08-13 by AutoModerator



I'm looking forward to another very productive and fulfilling week

my pecka will produce something & fully-fill ur mouth

Oh stop it you

I'm jim norton, yea i'm the real norton, all you other jim nortons should go get abortions. So won't the real jim norton please stand up, please stand up.

blacks arent people.

uhh peckahs

WW3 is upon us. Anyone wanna fuck before we all die PM me.

Sorry, I dont PM

Shut the fuck up

Redbar would need at least three promotions to be a asshole

Anybody got any good videos of that fat tub of shit being run over yesterday?

I want poster made of that nigger airborne after getting hit by car

Why do fat guys always have to pull up their trousers? Surely those tubby bastards should have the opposite problem?

Wait for it...........................................................................

Fuck you!

Just started Ray Donovan. Does it get better?

I quite enjoyed it. Season 1 was the weakest. It's certainly not Sopranos/Wire/Boardwalk/Shield level but it gets better the more Jon Voight is in it.

I'll stick with it.

There's this awesome new movie coming out on Friday called 'Wind River,' written by the guy who did Hell or High Water and Sicario, etc. Check it out ya bastards.

The comments in this thread are toxic and just awful.

Fuck your mothers.

Well over a month since the Destroyer was fired due to an overweight mumbling idiot turned him in for a video. Let's all sing the praises of Roland Campos. All hail Ro-Ro

what up you extraordinary bitches

I had my bread in the bag with washing powder, now my sandwich tastes soapy!

(into the grey muscle-car I go!)

my pecka will produce something & fully-fill ur mouth