Anthony Cumia trying to get fired from Twitter again

62  2017-08-13 by Gr8WeddingBrotherman


oh god he doesn't learn does he?

There's nothing wrong with him tweeting his opinions. Twitter censorship is bullshit.

that tweet would be one of the funniest things i see all year, except i know he's serious.

Psst. It's a joke "tweet".

IDGAC. we both know if he saw this post he wouldn't laugh, he would purse his lips and nod sagely.

So he's calling fried chicken not people, right?

That will be his defense.

Blacks are prone to heart disease genetically, I'm sure the obesity and terrible diet doesn't help, but it's not as big a factor as their genes.

In Alabama, they live off fast-food, fried things, and ramen. Even if they knew better, most can't afford non poisonous foods.

I never understood the eating unhealthy is more expensive thing. It's more like if you're so lazy to not cook any of your meals and get take out every time that it's cheaper to eat bad food. It's lazy. And I know tons of fat white people who keep getting fatter this way too, it's not just black people, it's dumb rednecks.

it has more to do with time (if you work)

when you work long hours and/or two or three jobs - you are always tired and fast food is so convenient. You just grab it and eat it.

Take out isn't cheap if you know how to cook

It's $2 for a pound of ground beef in Alabama. How the fuck could McDonalds be cheaper than that?

It's such a bullshit, enabling, excuse from racist leftists that try to excuse the behaviour of idiot minorities for social brownie points.

It's always cheaper and healthier to cook at home.

it has more to do with time (if you work)

when you work long hours and/or two or three jobs - you are always tired and fast food is so convenient. You just grab it and eat it.


This is the reason. You'll have to try harder with the "muh libruls" argument.

It's $2 for a pound of ground beef in Alabama.

Is it $2 a pound cooked and ready to eat - or raw?

The fuck do you think, honkey?

go read my comment again you retard

I was only jokin'

oh hahahahhaha I can clearly see it now , twas hilarious.

Food is political now?

Poverty is.

it's dumb rednecks

Like he said, black people.

I actually spend far less just buying frozen vegetables, buckets of rice and beans, etc. Almond milk is cheaper than real milk. plain oatmeal, etc.

The alternative of getting fast food or unhealthy foods at the grocery store is way more expensive than that. healthy is only expensive if youre the kind of retard who needs an organic or non gmo stamp on your egg cartridge.

But rice and beans suck a dick

The concept is called Food Deserts. It's a real phenomenon where there is a lack of healthy (nutritious) food in lower economic neighborhoods. If you drive around in my area, you'll notice there are an abundant amount of grocery stores in the middle class, upper class neighborhoods, but in the poorer neighborhoods, fast food restaurants, gas stations and corner stores, which sell unhealthy foods for cheap, take the place of your normal grocery store. It's not necessarily the cost but rather the accessibility to healthy food.

True, I heard most stores owners stay away from ghetto neighbourhoods so the only thing that opens there are fast food, sneaker stores, and money lending stores.

Making your neighbourhood dangerous and blighted creates a big ripple effect, to the point where you're making everyone fatter. That's interesting to think about. Although I'm sure most see a lack of stores and just blame white people for being racist for not opening stores there.

Black people have unhealthy diets because of white people /#tuckfrump

Preach ✊🏾

if anyone asks - yes.

I could really go for some fried chicken right now.

Wouldn't that be "it's not people" though? I think we busted him for racism. Stop the presses.

Must be a typo. Unless he's a racist which I doubt he is.

Anthony you're not white, just stop it already

I still don't fully understand why he hates blacks so much.

gimme fiddy cent-kid

Same reason closeted homesexuals hate gays.

...because he's secretly black?

He denies the truth.


  1. He's secretly black
  2. He and Joe were harassed for years by blacks at school.
  3. The Times Square incident.
  1. His echo chamber news sources on social media
  2. Being surrounded by other dumb older white people who grew up in shitty places like long island where their poor, non-contributing white parents frequently blamed society's problems on black people
  3. Being a piece of shit, you have to be superior to something, so you obsess over the pieces of shit the next level down from you

I think #5 is the most important one. Everyone grew up with retarded bullying black people but not everyone had parents blaming "niggers" for all of their problems, and most ended up meeting some black people that broke the stereotypes. What's most damning as far as Anthony is concerned is that he had Patrice in his life and still hates black people without humor or irony.

Patrice was a rare exception to the rule in Tranthony's mind. "One of the good ones"

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you

What I take from this is Jews are the real problem.

You are so right about the second one. Ant and Joe grew up with angry/resentful parents. Italian-Americans from the NYC area are more racist than redneck Southerners.

The south gets a bad rap honestly. People in the north are far more racist and segregated.

This is all true, but black people are still pretty shitty and black majority cites are horrorshows.

If Ant was bullied by black kids at school, he doesn't talk about it much. I think he only ever mentioned "gimmie fiddy cent" guy. If being bullied by ONE black kid makes him hate all black people, then he's an emotional weakling and an idiot.

I think the proximate cause of Ant's racism is his deadbeat shithead abusive dishonest greaseball father.

...did he even go to school for a long time? Besides not finishing highschool I doubt he was going to school every day

100% pops

Obviously because of his dad.

Young white men become radicalized in neo nazi groups like r/the_donald and r/mensrights. It's because they're unsuccessful losers who have nothing going on in their life.

They got radicalized with trumps inflammatory campaign maaaan

You could have said radicalized but you're getting downvoted for saying 'neo-nazi'. Not everything right of Jon Stewart is nazi, TARD.

I thought the sarcasm would be evident by the facts that Anthony is neither young nor white

You forgot /pol/. Those losers were an easy target

Same reasons the rest of the world does.

this is rich coming from constantly drunk and angry tranpa

I mean he's not wrong

Is this actually him or a parody account?

Fortunately, this is really him.

Omg - what a fucking idiot

It's a photoshop

I am not sm savvy and dont get on fucking twitter so honestly I dont know shit.

Twitter is fucking gay and I'm glad I don't understand it.

Oh look Cumia making a black joke. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Has anyone grabbed up all of the "Anthony Cumia" handles yet?

Didn't Anthony have a heart attack from eating too much shitty food...

He's not people

I think he had a heart attack from doing blow, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.


Can't he just behave.

he banned me again b/c i mocked his 24hour political tirades of i sleep better at night

You know what else kills black people? Alcohol.

The "eating healthy is expensive" is a bogus argument. It has all to do with education and cultural upbringing. Poor farmer types during the Great Depression made due with simple bean soups, dandelion salad, stews, etc. It was very basic/make due type food but it was nourishing and healthy.

I'm 50/50 that this could really be his.

I'm pretty sure this is fake.

Good photoshop

now i wouldn't call consuming chicken till you're diabetic murder but it does kill a lot of black folks

You guys know this wasn't a real tweet right?

Ahhhh Anthony's monthly reminder as to why I won't be on board with present-day Anthony. He really is a fucking asshole. Entitled prick who doesn't realize that he's just a piece of human garbage and got very lucky (yes, his talent got him the chance) and lives off that money like every stereotype his little mind can think of.

Also, to address the point about cooking vs. fast food - there are tons of articles on what are known as "food deserts" - urban areas that have a disproportionately high number of fast food establishments and these same areas do not have a supermarket within a reasonable distance. Also, cooking while having two jobs is pretty impossible. I have one and fucking hate to cook sometimes but my issue is laziness, not inability. If I had one hour in between jobs there's no way I'd want to spend that time preparing a meal.

I think this is fake. Anthony is a drugged up alcoholic, he can't lecture anyone on healthy living

gullible much?

I don't see how I'm gullible if a completely reasonable photoshop of a tweet he certainly could have sent is presented.

It's fake, congrats, but it's not like it's totally out of the realm of possibility.

Go get run over by a car.

Ant just wants an open an honest discussion about obesity, okay? Top right corner for anyone doubting the authenticity of this tweet

lol there's a warning when you go to his profile that says the page may contain sensitive material. Isn't that easier than banning someone?

Another one of those hate facts that cause some lefty snowflakes to spiral out of control.

This is fake right? Because the last sentence doesn't even make sense in the context.

I love race realist Ant.

Why did Anthony, or whoever PS'd this, capitalize the "P" in People? Not trying to nitpick, just seems odd.

"Soul food" is the only thing south niggers got right tho.


Does he think "they're not people" is some sort of cute catchphrase now?

That will be his defense.

Blacks are prone to heart disease genetically, I'm sure the obesity and terrible diet doesn't help, but it's not as big a factor as their genes.

if anyone asks - yes.

Wouldn't that be "it's not people" though? I think we busted him for racism. Stop the presses.