I threw up on my dick last night

3  2017-08-13 by Dennyislife

Good morning


well dont just say the fun part and not leave out why

I was outside the Queen of England's house

You meant to say 'and not tell us why' or 'leave out why' not 'not leave out why'.

You have egg on your face now. How does that feel? Egg-faced faggot 🍳

its cum dad

You meant to say 'and not tell us why' or 'leave out why' not 'not leave out why'.

You have egg on your face now. How does that feel? Egg-faced faggot 🍳

You meant to say 'and not tell us why' or 'leave out why' not 'not leave out why'.

You have egg on your face now. How does that feel? Egg-faced faggot 🍳

In grade 11 I puked all over my lap early in the evening and ended up getting head later on.

No one be mean, we'll just assume the fella was cute

It was a chick with horrible acne who grew up to be a great big fat person. The type of girl to take off a dude's pukey jeans and suck his flaccid penis in front of a lot of people.

I assume My is the name of the Thai boy that you were sucking off at the time?

I'm assuming you gagged on it?

Morning, sweetie. I threw up on your dick, too.

Can I sniff it?

Happens to the worst of us.

a 'girl' puked on my pecka once & it burned

Thanks for checking in, Denny.

No one be mean, we'll just assume the fella was cute