Please for the love of god someone take away his twitter. Is it still 2010?

0  2017-08-13 by RBuddCumia


if you dont enjoy people making fools of themselves for the world to see on a daily basis, youve come to the wrong sub

He's never going to leave 2010. The Obama presidency is going to haunt him for the rest of his life.

He's not even wrong, but stupid doesn't realize there are people out there making the same point for him better than he does. He still thinks his thoughts on the subject are completely original and need to be heard.

Dude he's telling us what the main steam media doesn't what us to hear!

He's definitely wrong.

He's fun to read. Passes the day. He'll be posting normal stuff for a while and then suddenly go into a ranting tweet.

Anthony Cumia: Race Relations Expert

Anthony's always been an idiot when it comes to social media. It wasn't uncommon for him to throw a hissy fit and boot people from the Pal Talk room back in the day for the stupidest shit. He would shut the room completely if too many people complained.

he's a retarded sand nigger who fucks ladyboys, fuck his opinion

He's not dumb but totally uneducated he has been brainwashed by alt right racists and can't see anything outside the hannity bubble he now lives in. He was always Long Island racist (no kkk, excuses for collecting nazi crap) so the brainwashing was easy when you consider his racism and poor education.

Obama didn't like cops, therefore white supremacists. Brilliant contribution. He should stick to what he's good at - being a thousand times more funny and likeable than Opie.

Obama being elected destroyed him

Anthony spent all his life complaining that black people don't work hard, behave well, act respectably, etc. and then when one of them achieves something great like being elected president, he's outrage.

Like what the fuck does Anthony want? God I hope he dies soon.