Anthony and Gavin RTd some article blaming "Teenage anti Trump, druggie" for today's vehicular murder

10  2017-08-13 by maynardsabeast

They were about 5 hours premature and 100% incorrect. The article put the kids full name and pictures in it. It was shared by every redneck, racist, and MAGA-cuck on twitter. I expect this behavior from Anthony who's clearly losing his mind in his old age but figured that Gabby "nazis don't even exist" Mcginn would have a little restraint. I just wonder if the Compound Army and the Proud Boys will hold these 2 culture Warriors feet to the flames for promoting #fakenews?


How come right when Ant finally gets some good will back in here he just doubles down on being obsessed with black people and defending nazis? You would think you could curb your 60 year old Long Island racism and hide your dementia better on the internet when it potentially means more $$$ for you. I guess being cyber friends with Johnny Sack and James Woods > having fans and money

I want to suck every wrestler's cock on God's sexy earth.

Just the brown ones....

but why? there must be a reason?

Sam,your married now.

They'll probably use one of the usual deflection techniques. Either claim it was an honest mistake because the communist libtard snowflakes are usually the violent ones. Or say that one, singular, lone wolf, mentally ill white man does not equal white terrorism. Did I mention he was alone?

Absolutely. But there's no defense blaming some innocent pothead teenager in another state for basically committing a terrorist attack. Especially when everyone knows how sleazy that gotnews site is. It just goes to show how pathetic these guys are. They needed him to be "anti Trump" so badly.

There will be some meme that shows him supporting Bernie or something that will circulate the echo chamber. Most will realize it's bullshit, but it'll sew enough doubt for them to write the whole thing off as "shady", like they did with the Comet Ping Pong shooter. "Oh, he was an actor, so he was a crisis actor so false flag"

If we're lucky, the kids sue Anthony and takes away his tens of dollars.

Tranpa is a senile old man shitposting on his alt account and Grovin is just scared of being associated with a violent Alt Right. Ironically after promoting violence at his own Proudboy events. I think Gavin's just coming to the realisation that him LARPing as a leader of the "new right" probably isn't going to end well for him.

him LARPing as a leader of the "new right" probably isn't going to end well for him.

we can only hope

Telling the truth isn't the point, setting the narrative is, this serves a useful purpose in advancing/protecting the interests of those on the right. I's their version of "hands up don't shoot" . It doesn't have to be real, just enough people have to believe its real. Besides if antifa just stayed away and let the right give some speeches around the statue and waited for John Oliver's hot take diss, 3 people would be safe at home now instead of dead.

Yeah but they were actually nazis. Like I always thought the whole Nazi thing was stupid. Thought it was a bunch of dorks watching too much Gavin and Spencer and doing memes on the internet. But nope, they had klan outfits, swastikas, and sieg heils in full force. Fuck those people, they should be spit on and punched

Sorry buddy, in a binary choice between them and Antifa? No debate for me. Communism many times worse than fascism. At least i would get to keep all my stuff and property :)

If that's the case I think there would be more pictures of those online by now. not just tiki torch holding ant mosquitoists

Fuck antifa and all, but you're blaming them for the actions of this 20 year old coward. Which makes you sound as dumb as antifa.

A person died today for nothing. They lost their life because they went to some gay rally, with dumbasses on both sides mindlessly screeching at each other. It's tragic, unnecessary and embarrassing as a country.

And then you have people like Ant and Gavin that will use this death as a way to right about something on the internet. They're no better than the social justice warriors, they're "white man justice warriors", it's all a fucking joke

It's not tragic at all. Fuck her. If they want to kill each other, let them.

Ant has to keep his infowars people happy - it's his subscriber base now.

That snake oil is paying the bills.

The alt right are full of shit who coulda thunk it?

It was GotNews, Chuck Johnson's site, who just reported what was on /pol/. The dude also runs Wesearchr which fundraises for the alt right whenever someone scratches themselves. And then he takes a 15% cut.

Yeah I remember this dude when he exposed that Rolling Stone article as fraudulent. I'm aware that this is his shtick, I'm just curious if he's ever been this egregiously wrong and irresponsible like this before? I'd love to see the kid sue this creep

He has. Like Cernovich, he does have some connections and gets some good scoops, but posts shit all the time without verifying, much of it from 4chan.

From what I understand, the car does trace back to the kid, but he'd sold it years ago. It was incredibly irresponsible to publish this though. There were lots of red flags that this wasn't the guy.

Gavin's arguement is the psychopath in the car didnt actually name all 5 breakfast cereals before plowing through pedestrians and thus wasnt offically one of their ranks.