Who's actually responsible for the political violence and civil unrest in Charlottesville? The answer may surprise you...

69  2017-08-13 by UnfunnyFaggott



It was the nazis in their underground base under Antarctica

Its not a base. Its a passage into inner Earth.

You said it may surprise me.

i was going to guess Antwan i thought we went over this

I dont know how relevant this is, but: I bought some chicken strips with chilli sauce from muslims, now I got the shits!

YOU decide

You should reverse caliphate.

I clicked on that and was expecting to see Niggers.

Niggers are just (((their))) pawn, used as as distraction and to weaken society and destroy it from within.

Henry Ford said whenever a war or some type world calamity happens you`ll always find a jew at the bottom of it

Smart man.

Shame his 1956 Hebemobile didn't sell better

Actually I believe it was caused by a shortage of woke standup comedians in our modern society. They really are the truth tellers.

If only the cast of 'Silicon Valley' had donated to Hillary's campaign...

Holy shit, that's pathetic.

He's right though, i myself was a dumb "fuck bush xD save the earth" libtard who voted Obama during his first election. I think the Trayvon case and Obama's handling of it caused the first signs of the "white unrest" we see today

Are you suggesting racism didn't exist until the Obama admin?

No but I remember polling before Obama was elected had most ethnic group having a positive view of each other. If most groups didn't have a positive view towards one another Obama would not have been elected. The media and Obama himself made the "rise in racism" a thing for political gain and so the media had click bait stories. If Hillary had won you'd get the "rise in sexism" stories. So the media and the Obama admid played a major role in the rise of new white nationalism. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. Tell white kids that they're bad for being white and when they get older they'll go the complete opposite direction.

No but I remember polling before Obama was elected had most ethnic group having a positive view of each other. If most groups didn't have a positive view towards one another Obama would not have been elected. The media and Obama himself made the "rise in racism" a thing for political gain and so the media had click bait stories. If Hillary had won you'd get the "rise in sexism" stories. So the media and the Obama admid played a major role in the rise of new white nationalism. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. Tell white kids that they're bad for being white and when they get older they'll go the complete opposite direction.

No but I remember polling before Obama was elected had most ethnic group having a positive view of each other. If most groups didn't have a positive view towards one another Obama would not have been elected. The media and Obama himself made the "rise in racism" a thing for political gain and so the media had click bait stories. If Hillary had won you'd get the "rise in sexism" stories. So the media and the Obama admid played a major role in the rise of new white nationalism. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. Tell white kids that they're bad for being white and when they get older they'll go the complete opposite direction.

Tranpa isn't wrong. White nationalism becoming more mainstream is a direct reaction to a whole generation of kids being told that they need to sit down and shut up if they're white.


yeah because white nationalism didnt exist over here before the progressives came along. lolwut

White nationalism becoming more mainstream is a direct reaction to a whole generation of kids being told that they need to sit down and shut up if they're white.

let's be honest here, the biggest similarity between the majority of those nationalists isn't that they're all white, it's that many of them are unemployable, no skills, no training, and/or they spend too much time on the internet.

No one is traveling from Ohio to Virginia over a Leslie Jones tweet.

Many of these 20 yr olds:

  • Refuse to take jobs driving cabs or working in restaurants or landscaping
  • Refuse to grind out years of studying to get white collar STEM jobs
  • Refuse to put in time to train for high-skilled labor work, like welding steel, mechanic, electrician, or plumbing.

So all that's left is youtube videos about how Hitler wasn't really such a bad guy, it's all the Jews fault, individual accomplishment doesn't matter, and the only point of life is procreation in servitude of a white-ethnostate.

People crazy enough to participate in a Nazi rally and have their lives ruined =/= people that agree with white nationalism. I would guess that most white men support white nationalism at this point. You almost have to be a cocksucker not to.

I don't know why this got down voted, its true. I grew up in this generation and have seen this. When you're in this shit position, you want an out, and be it blaming Jews or "the state" give you that power.

It got down voted because this long worded fucktard doesnt have any idea what he's rambling on&on about. I bet he believes 6mil Jews died in the Holocaust.....

I'll see myself out now. Maybe see what Antifa is up too..

You believe in Flat Earth, bro. Please tell me how many really died in the holocaust?

I love the strawman attempt.....Also here is an idea how about you do some research into how many people ACTUALLY died on your own so you dont have to take anyone else's word on it.....or you can just continue being a delusional parrot.

Being 33 years old, I'm technically a millennial but went to college before it got crazy. I think it's possible that the people who showed up might actually be college-educated and somewhat well-off (they could afford to travel there, after all) but they snapped after 4yrs of the current college craziness. Not an excuse, just a competing theory.

this guy was 20 years old. You think anyone who's 20, willing to drive a car into a crowd, has a bright future ahead - or is it all just internet and video games all day?

I am working on my PhD in the sciences, got scholarships to pay for undergrad etc, so I'm not who you're talking about.

And still I know (((who))) is behind all this immigration and cultural change. Classic Jewish tactic, try and deflect our points by saying we're all losers, without addressing any of the points originally made against Jews.

if you're working towards a "PhD in the sciences" like you say, you know exactly what I'm talking about, so don't do that fake confusion as if your situation is normal and what I described, isn't.

That's retarded if that's what makes you a nationalist though.

It just pushed many to the right, and if you strayed away from the liberal doctrine whatsoever you are labeled a "white nationalist nazi" by the leftists

Basically every white man born after 1960 has been told by our culture that we're pieces of shit. How it used to balance out was that white men were celebrated for their achievements. Now, young white men are told they're pieces of shit and that the only reason they accomplished anything was by oppressing others (and stopping them from achieving said things.)
I'm no white nationalist. Make me choose between Nazis and Antifa and I'll take Antifa. Still, the only factual/provable discrimination in America is against males and whites and Asians. The so-called oppression of women and some minorities starts with their lack of achievement then works backwards to blame it on discrimination. The fact that those groups are against meritocracy tells you that that argument is bullshit.

I mean, Obama's first instinct when there were white flood victims during the recent campaign was to remind them not to be racist in the aftermath. Like it or not, this kind of shit sort of leaves and opening for Nazi shitheads.

Can't blame the lefties for this one. Oooof

If they wouldn't have come with an aggressive counter protest it would have been a peaceful protest of the removal of Robert E Lee's statue because of its cultural significance of southern pride and states rights.

Yeah, a car driving over people was a pretty aggressive counter. Those lefties are aggressors. I shake my fist at them.

Yeah good point. If their stupid snowflake skulls weren't in the way this all wouldn't have happened. Heil Trump

Can you imagine if one of them killed 5 cops or something after their organization made it a practice of opening chanting about killing cops.

Yep, then they'd blow him up with a robot.

That's probably not gonna fly for the ol' I-plowed-a-car-into-a-group-of-people defense.

its literally a statue of a pro-slavery guy though... a peaceful nazi protest is still a nazi protest.

r u 17?

Do you know anything about Robert E. Lee?


why won't they behave?!

Stupid Opie Radio fan Hicks like Vic Henley. The South lost get over it homos


Fully expected this to be a Rich Vos gag but then again, it kind of was

Least succesful jew ever

Faces of hate. http://imgur.com/QDYJzVl

Very,Vury interesting, ya.

I like the bluburries

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

I thought this would be Antwaan Kumia. The answer DID surprise me!

Yeah, a car driving over people was a pretty aggressive counter. Those lefties are aggressors. I shake my fist at them.

Yeah good point. If their stupid snowflake skulls weren't in the way this all wouldn't have happened. Heil Trump

That's probably not gonna fly for the ol' I-plowed-a-car-into-a-group-of-people defense.

its literally a statue of a pro-slavery guy though... a peaceful nazi protest is still a nazi protest.