
6  2017-08-12 by Single_Action_Army


I've seen Go! Animate features better than CokeLogic's shit.

His shit was good in 1998, but he hasnt evolved it since then.

that's MY 60k paid! stop moaning, you actual-content agreement-lovin' wimps!

if only I knew cokelogic was gettin my 60k, I woulda paid double!

I'm gonna draw a picture of some reddit characters .... can I have 60k?


what the fuck did they do to lauren's chin?

Cokelogic jerks off to LongChin - so he photoshoped her chin to look short and normal

The ever-increasing tally of empty bud lights was a nice touch.

Teft light mug

He got Ant's coloring right.

I bet that kitchen is nice Good job jimmy