Honestly, if you're a protester on either side of anything you deserve to be killed by a car.

51  2017-08-12 by Compound_MediaPR



Commies vs fascists. I hope they kill eachother off

We can't leave the 20th century behind apparently.

As long as there are classes, there will be class warfare

Darwinism at its best.

A brand new Tesla, brotherman!

Panera food stinks sir. Someone ought to drive a vespa right into your dick.

We like to josh around, but that went too far.

I agree, I can't remember if it was a BLM march or anti- Trump march or some other hippy faggot shit but when protesters started marching on the already congested LA freeway I was hoping a helicopter would drop a barrel bomb

I usually feel that way too but if you're LITERALLY claiming to be kkk and nazis you deserve to be fucking brained

O&A [reddit] fans are quick to say both sides suck ala south park but get their keks over the most cowardly squawks of "nigger" yet pine for societal consistency on what should be considered comedy

Is "keks" like the same thing as "lulz"?

No. His newfag is showing.

Is "newfag" like a term for someone who uses new weird internet terms like newfag?

This is the gayest pseudo-observation I have ever read.

You post on a subreddit of a defunct radio show with a racial based username.

Get your life together

racial based username

Is it?

You've called me both gay and faggot within two responses. That's so passe at this point dude.

Like I said get your life in order man, you'll be much happier instead of wasting time seething with rage about how Opie ruined a radio show back in 2007.

Thanks for coming to set us straight!

"Get your life in order maaaan, you are shitposting on the internet, which I'm not doing at all, I'm spreading enlightenment." - Some lost faggot

That's a third time and an O&A mannerism too, further proving my point Kevin.

The first time I heard the word "faggot" was on the O&A show.

You're boring me now.

Remember to shower before you put on your one nice dress shirt. Later.

I can only take so much self righteousness, thank god.

That's not nice, I'm one of people who came to protest Anthony Cumia's firing from SiriusXM. I'm a fat retarded piece of shit.

I just WISH I had time to protest ..... I need to suck a pecka! (with my Brit tough-guy gangster voice)

If you're blocking vehicles from moving I have little sympathy for you when you get GTA'd.

It was an antifa guy that drove into antifa protestors thinking it was ebil nazis. Hilarious.

Was it really? Can i get a link / source?

I love when the left invents their own narrative, then fold everything that's convenient for the perpetuation of it into it.

"This is proof of Trumps Amerikkka, mmmAAAANNN!" No, you fucking idiot. These guys have always been there, they were there when Obama was around, they'll do this again in 10 years. There's always going to be dumb racists.

The best thing they could have done was completely ignore these guys and make them look like dummies existing in a vacuum. But why would the left make any decisions based on rationale or common sense.

Not "the left" that is going to assemble in the streets and shut down free speech. Every left wing intellectual with any platform is 100% opposed to restricting free speech up to and usually including holocaust denial. They're smart enough to know that suppressing ideas makes them look dangerous and attractive to dumb people.

Now we have these dimwits calling themselves socialists and progressives when they're nothing but Marxists who won't be happy until they live under a dictatorship that let's them vote, similar to how Saddam Hussein ran Iraq.

It's insane how dumb people are. And social media has fanned the flames of stupid worse than the Santa Ana winds. "I WEEP for the future." - The Maitre'd from Ferris Bueller

I hate freedom of speech, I want to live on Saddam Hussein's Iraq - the "Left"

another rational internet discussion

They protested Trump being elected. They don't like democracy.

Some of us are living on those streets.

You guys at panara are doing the lords work!

this is sooo ironical, sum ppl WERE killed by a car today

This is especially true for the 2 protesters that showed up at SXM to protest Anthony's firing.

Maybe if one of them put their phones down for 5 seconds they would notice the car barreling down on them

It's autistis vs autists.