who is the most famous guest O&A ever interviewed?

12  2017-08-12 by momomike

phoners don't count. who is the biggest guest they've had in studio fame-wise?


sandy kane

you're being silly

Steve the Whistler.

I'd say Arnold, at one time he was the highest paid actor in the business. Also, the governor thing.

Yeah, he's one of the most famous people on the planet. I wish I wasn't just wasting your time and had more than just my statement of agreement. I'll see myself out.

That was not on O&A

The Rock



It happens all the time in this business. You spot someone doing their thing and you think the listeners would wanna hear 'em, so you take a chance on 'em and invite them on da show sniff

D-don't even get me fawkin' started. You take a fawkin' chance on these people, people that no one even cared about, and give them an audience of millions of people buuurp a-and all the sudden they're too big for the show? It's fawwkin' bullshit

I'm not gonna name any names or stab anyone in da back, 'cause I'm not like them, but the fact is half these people couldn't even get a fawkin' YouTube video to go viral without me, period.


Uwe Boll.


Donald Rumsfeld

It said phoners do not count.

Humans not Illuminati lizards.

Well they only got guests on the way up and the way down sniff

Patrice. R.I.P. ;_;

Jj abrams

bobo's dick!

Chuck Palahniuk was a great interview

Why would you mention some shitty unknown writer of a book that got made into a film as even being a possible runner up when they've had A list actors and sports icons on the show? Don't shoe horn your shitty personal interests into other people's conversations

I bet you think Fight Club is a philosophical book with actionable life advice, and that "Guts" is a disturbing tale of gore

Watch an ISIS execution or a cartel punishment video you fucking weak fictional faggot

I liked Choke but haven't read any other books of his, despite the fact he's a very well known writer. You're pretty worked up on a saturday, get out there and conquer the world champ.

Yknow it's funny, I picked up Invisible Monsters in a whim when I was staying with my sister in Seattle and the darned book takes place in Seattle. Really just a crazy story. Anywho you should read it, it's a good time.

pisslord dennis falcone


Gary Oldman... And they actually did a good job of it https://youtu.be/tRUasaVvZJg

Jesse (the Guvna) Ventura


Paris Hilton

Jay leno, ed norton,

Tarantino maybe.

Lady Di....mother, lover, admiral of the navy

Joe Piscopo.

chris kyle

George Carlin.

Mayor Barry coke and hooker affectuenado.
