Hint hint, guys...

4  2017-08-11 by Single_Action_Army


LGBT+... ok I'll bite, what's the plus stand for?

More peckahs

That's what they do now to include all the new sexuality shit coming out everyday. Everyone wanted a letter added for their group.

we should infiltrate them and demanding that every group gets their own letter because they all are equally important LGQBTJKYXJGLKSJDKGLJKLVJGJWEKMSLK

They came up with so many different name even they don't know what it means.

Nice try, Ant

You know, motherfucker, some of the shit you post here qualifies as HATE SPEECH.
It'd be a shame if Reddit shut this place down.
Sue! Where's my deep anal massager?


Proudboys are much, much gayer.

Rub a Dub Dub three men in a tub who might they be? Rod Stewart,Elton John and Anthony

You're a bigot if you exist and aren't gay or PofC.

Old news, man.

Umm, sweetie. All white people deserve to be decapitated immediately, okay?

Finally some sense on this sub.

Post link to this story, pls. Literally fake news

المثلية حرام. ممنوع من الله

PROUD BOYS threesome...

we should infiltrate them and demanding that every group gets their own letter because they all are equally important LGQBTJKYXJGLKSJDKGLJKLVJGJWEKMSLK