The reason Anthony is trying to get his shit together

5  2017-08-11 by crookedmile


normally i only agree with Nazi's to make sarcastic comments on this sub, but they're onto something here...

But they don't accept THOSE people.

Something tells me these nazi aren't really into girls.

Lol, I can't take these niggas seriously

"We have to secure a future for white children, but make sure your pants look good"

I'm sure the website is doing it's darndest not to manipulate the nazis' quotes.

The guy who's supposed to be the example of a well dressed and groomed nazi can't even afford to pay for the shirt he's wearing. You can clearly see the sensor tag hanging on the bottom right corner of his shirt.

He should probably get to work on getting a job before focusing on spreading his hate for migrants over in the USA.

ME: MEATYITE -- big fans of the show over there love those guys

I agree that their appearance, and lack of presentability is a major factor in their lack of success.

Jared Taylor should be their goal.

He's certainly a good Huwhite.