Someone "sent" Opie a Tesla SUV to keep if he signs

10  2017-08-11 by peopleforgetthat



You usually have to sign the lease to drive it home.

You can only lease the Model S if I'm not mistaken.

How sad is it that he bought a new SUV to imply people want him so badly.

It's probably one of his brothers..

Oh no his finger nails are bitten and brittle and his hand is covered in liver spots. He's finished.

Elon Musk; he's selected Opie as the coulda-been-an-astronaut for the inaugural Mars Braking Error mission.


"Tha Fyou-cha!"

Stolen from Ant.

It's a poor immitation of Ant, to the point that it sounds nothing like an old timey voice. I'm sure Opie has no clue what Ant was referencing.

Those fingernails though...

And he steals Ant's bit. Repeatedly

Perfect mom van to drive to go make mom radio.

How dumb does he think his fans are to think an FM channel could afford to give him that as a signing bonus in 2017.

Ok. My hatred is boiling over. I need to take a walk.

The Opster is all in with the electric SUV. Elon Musk is a friend of the show.

until he gets too big for the show and Opie burns that non-existent bridge

Can he fit that giant sized baby seat in it?

Everyone on this sub ripped on Opie's Toyota in the Carl tweets so he went out and bought a Tesla. End of story. Hopefully Opie will drive it into the ocean and the electric current will be enough to paralyze him but not kill him and he drowns.

He even said "sign and it's mine" yeah that's how buying a car usually works tit breath. I shouldn't be this mad over this...

That fellow had thumbs and hands like a dwarf, only most midgets make me laugh sometimes.

Of course it's his if he signs. It's a fucking lease.

Hi guys, I flaunt material items because I have zero human interaction skills. I am literally the equivalent to a 30 year old girl on facebook that used to be hot. PAY ATTENTION TO ME. SHERROD SMALL IS FUNNY

Sell the Tesla and fix your fucking teeth. Jesus christ they are bad.

What, a toy car?

Sounds like he has a long commute if he signs.

The thumb made me hope for a Mr. Burns/"Spruce Moose" scenario.

"Get in, Smithers"

I want you to really stop and put yourself in the shoes of a guy getting a new car. Would your first thought be, "hey I could make some neat instagram videos with this and show people how cool I am!"?

If the answer is yes and you're over the age of 15, please saw your own head off

It's a poor immitation of Ant, to the point that it sounds nothing like an old timey voice. I'm sure Opie has no clue what Ant was referencing.

until he gets too big for the show and Opie burns that non-existent bridge