Let's make a list of things Anthony takes very Seriously.

94  2017-08-11 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I'll go first:

  • The fine line between pedophilia and hebephilia.
  • Home decor that looks like it came from a pizzeria in the ghetto.
  • Shirts on top of shirts.

Aren't you the guy with a penis and breast implants?

Like everyone else on this sub, my breasts are real.

tits or gtfo

I will do neither, madam.

Is that Opies new show?

We can but hope.

Melanin content vs proclivity to crime.

Has he ever mentioned FBI crime statistics?

Not sure

looks like I will have to sub to compound media and watch every episode of his show to be sure.

Look, all he's trying to do is to have an open and honest discussion about race.

looks like I will have to sub to compound media and watch every episode of his show pick an episode at random to be sure.

You shouldn't have crossed out "and".

fucking happy now?

Existentially? Not really.

Merely because they coincidentally reinforce his vigorous claims.

Oh, VIGORous.

wackadoodle killing it on the instant feedback for us today; ah, ah, ah!

He's got some crime statistics of his own

Because he's a nigger.

Vurry good


Has he mentiones bone structure and brain capacity?

Those seem much more relevent than "melanin content".

if it was only melanin black people would look exactly like white people but with darker skin lol, bullshit.

Hiding his transphilia

Attacks on his financial situation

The heritage of the apollo crew

One of the other clips with Neal Tyson this morning mentioned "don't be too proud of what your race achieved, what did you achieve?"

Peunut butter?

You and that schizophrenic mullatto broad are right, though. Genetics don't play a role in human development.


Irish and Scots/Irish.

Long way from Sicily.

Honest and open discussions.

Honest and open discussions.

The amount of Twitter followers he has.

accusations of incest

Responsible firearm ownership

-Ignoring family members bleeding him dry.

-Pretending all his political and social views come from a rational place.

Gimme fiddy cen

The kid who punched him back in grade school. I thank that kid for beating Ant into a hilarious shockjock.

Wasn't that kid Boomer Esiason?

No, Any broke his arm punching Boomer.

And that kid was Vinnie Brand. Circle of life.

In all fairness Howard Stern made a career doing he same

Look: We make fun of his obsessive, rabid, venomous espousals of the UCR crime stats...but they're entirely true. Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crimes in the nation and are like 384 times more likely (my estimation) to resist arrest, assault a cop, and kill him with his own gun.

Statistics are just trivia unless an explanation

Niggers are less evolved.

They literally created nothing. Ever.

There is a reason the Arabs took them as slaves too. The dune coons castrated the blacks because they had a close supply if they ever needed more rather than breed them like European people did.

If they never invented anything, how did any of them get out of Africa?


They had their own form of slavery that they invented obviously just to hitch a ride to white countries for da gibs.

Did you know that a black woman invented the door? Before her, white people were just constantly walking into walls.

That's crass.

The stats being true or not doesn't excuse his constant droning on & on about it. It's not funny or interesting, Ant just comes back off as an out of touch old racist who lost his sense of humor.

It may not be funny or interesting, but it's the truth, and a truth that not too many people want to take inventory of.

First off, yes some of the statistics are true, but he has also cited bullshit ones (I should know, he blocked me for having the audacity to mention that he should fact-check better when posting certain data). To me, that shows that he cares more about reenforcing his own viewpoints than he does about actually finding and spreading the truth. Same problem I have with Alex Jones. All the intelligent points he makes are muddied with horseshit ones for no apparent reason.

Smitty Dunbar shared his gum.

his driving license

The location of that firearm

The declaration of expletives when he cannot locate that firearm.



His interpretation of the 1st and 2nd amendments.

His hate for jazz and other black-inspired things

Dressing like an unpopular kid in the 6th grade.

Ambient swimming pool temperature.

The degree of African admixture in his bloodline.

Transgendered women's rights

Obtaining the thrust control modules for the Great Journey.

Commercials positively portraying black people

Draining every drop from Sue's balls.


How Brazil nuts look like nigger toes

Girls with pekkas


Battlefield 1

The right-wing agenda.

Beavis' happiness

His back up generator

The heater for his pool

Drone propeller grease

I don't know why ''Drone propeller grease'' is so fucking funny to me.

Skin bleaching cream

Not expanding his listener base by branching out via new topics or outlets of exposure. But BOY does he take John Sahag seriously.

Deepdiscount.com. Who needs to buy one of those little boxes that has every show ever made ever on it, when you can just drop hundreds on DVDs?

Being the nigger of his neighborhood

deeply discounted dvds

Knife fighting techniques.

Fawk yeah!

The implied sexual orientation of a couple of people on the spaceship in the latest Alien movie.


Free T shirts from gaming companies.

Putting his business in the hands of an incompetant degenerate.

Tranny sex.

perfectly coifed hair to go along with a cheese grater complexion

You mean that pasta cavatappi drenched in olive oil he calls hair?

The Sicilian Tin-Knockers in NASA Hall of Fame.

Preambling and epilogueing his racism with the shitty logic that black skin causes black crime instead of the black morons who wear that skin.

Consequently he thinks "Black" culture is pimping drugs and gangsterism and names this as a reason he doesn't have anything in common with ANY black person, he takes it very seriously.

Colin Quinn once made a crack about "veiled racism" about Anthony and Ant said he didn't "like that term, veiled. It sounds phony", but he is phony cause he thinks his intelligence negates his closed-mindedness and it doesn't. Just admit you don't like niggers and be done with it.

Anthony is a sad old man.

basement karaoke

Vibrators for men

Open and honest conversations about race

interracial and same sex couple in tv commercials

white conservative presidents with glaring mental inadequacies

Filling in marginally amusing bits with forced over the top laughter, likely taught to him by the college accredited raqio host. We've all heard Ant laugh, and we've all heard Ant ACTUALLY laugh. Perfect example of Ant actually laughing, is the chip podacast, when chip calls him "same ol' piesa gabage" (chip podacast 16, 14:30)

Just had to mention my observation, that Chip ep.16; 14:30 resembles a bible verse. Bible of Chip?


Decorative dinosaurs

Brother with no job and that brothers family he has to support

Ejaculate from the danity penis of a boy named sue

Fighting assault charges

Biting skinny drug addicts in his home

Being blown by Fred and his poker cronies in his mcmansion

Accomplishments of groups he believes to be a part of.

Individually placed hair follicles

the disproportionate amount of violence in the black community. also niggers.

His gaudy McMansion & his Tony Soprano interior decorating skills.

Kiddy Pr0n


Making sure his pool is always 95 degrees

5.11 Tactical gear

tits or gtfo