Is Anthony's twitter taken down again????

3  2017-08-11 by sarahemmingway

I cant find his twitter page???


hmm, it redirected me to a page that says "the jews were here"

hmm, it redirected me to a page that says "the jews were here"

It's up, but with 'sensitive content' warning.. meaning he's flagged.. usually happens just before you get banned

Farewell, again, the good ship Lolipop ;_;7

prob something to do with 'quality settings' option in twitter. if you follow him no problems. but if he tweets someone that doesn't follow him they may not see his message at all, if they have 'quality settings' turned on, which is the default

yeah i dont follow him but i tried to search for his twitter and it dosent come up ill look at my quality settings and c if that helps.....

You were previously instructed to provide tits, Sarah.

pm me for the real website

u sound like edgar.......jim's character

This is more in line with Anthony.

You're shouting.



I wouldn't know as I am blocked after sending him my latest masterpiece with the caption "Don't Sue me."