I like Doug Stanhope. It really hurts to see him abuse his body with garbage like this.

39  2017-08-11 by Compound_MediaPR


What happened to her now? Fell down again?

Where the FUCK are my DRUGS! (Spits) FUCK!

Looks as if he bango'd Bingo to the moon.


i want to see Bingo and Mrs. Chipperson fuck

The Real Girls Out West.

Bingo's a sweetie pie

I don't think that's the case anymore. She seems miserable. Doug should read his book about killing his mother and get inspired.

doesn't she legitimately have brain damage? like she is like a dog that needs to be put down. For all his material about death, Stanhope really wants this newly retarded woman to live the rest of her shitty life

Stanhope has to buy her a pair of stilts so her next seizure is her last one.

In what fucking way? How do you even know her?

How do we know Opie, Anthony, or Jim? When I listened to the podcast she seemed sweet I don't know her personally, but that's never stopped us before from saying things.

he's a little past the point of no return, i will always love doug no matter how he goes out and who he does it with. i believe the funniest working comic alive (although the last special i saw was awful, parting is starting to get to him)

She's very lucky all of the drugs killed his sex drive.

Not really, given they've clearly spiked his rage gland.

she used to be quite hot until stanhope destroyed her

Ewwww, she looks like Flea in a wig.

Quentin Tarantino is looking like shit these days.

Stanhope beat the shit out of her, he was inspired by his best friend Johnny Depp.

the same friend he swears has never hit a woman. even though Johnny depp's managers have proof he beat heard

Right, but it was clearly a self defense situation, she threatened to throw out his Hunter S Thompson memorabilia

She spilled his coffee


for all the talk about comedians and their squeezes', bingo gets off way to easy. fuck her, I hope she dies already.

Jesus, this is what Bingo looks like? Never actually saw her before, certainly looks like an Arizonan meth head to me.

She looks like Ritchie at the end of Out For Justice, right before Steven Seagall smashes the wine cork into his ignominious face.

Anybody know why Ritchie did Booby Lupo?!

"I like pain, y'know?"

Doug should round up some of his comic buddies and put on a benefit show for the Arizona taxpayers who shelled out millions for her months in the ICU.

Only time I wished he was a proud boy is after I saw her picture.

I hope this is a result of Tyrone's hat removal service.

"And meth-head was her name-o!..."

insecure resentful dudes always date retarded women.

She looks like an LGBT version of Jimmy Page

he should probably murder that wook slag

He seems to be trying

I wonder if Stanhope has her picked in his deathpool

She used to be sexy. Sad!