Great Opie Contributions 26/50

70  2017-08-11 by Dawgsie

Hilarity and fun times being had. CQ and Kaku in studio discussing science and fucking around, and then out of nowhere Opie chimes in with his standard cabin pressure dropper of a line...

Opie (to renowned physicist Dr Kaku) ", what's the coolest trick you can do?"

[Momentary silence]

Dr Kaku - "ahhhh emm, trick?"

Tranthony (embarrassed) - "Trick? He isn't a magician."

Opie (retardedly) - "He's one of the worlds greatest minds! He must have some neat bar tricks."


1 hour 35 minutes and 25 seconds in for those that can't afford computers.

Hey man, times are tough.

That picture of CQ combined with the IDGAC will always bring me joy.....Gregg has fat milkers.

Opie is the worst man in the world.

This is an accurate statement.

If I had a gun with 2 bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Opie, I'd shoot Opie twice.

Kill Opie twice, fuck Stalin, marry Hitler.

Opie's not actually retarded, it's a character. Gregg is the genius behind the Opie character. That's the bit! (Ugh)

I remember when he would say "this is Gregg Hughes, the actor" and Anthony would do the mock-surprise "Oh!" Painful, just painful for all of us.

The gap in intelligence between those two humans is astounding. Dr. Kaku built an atom smasher when he was in high school and Opie took a shit on the beach as an adult

Whatever hater, I bet Kaku didn't make any mob connections in high school.

Opie knew some people. Saw some things....he saw some tings.

Opie played basketball in high school

He could have went pro. He killed it on the perimeter.

He's an absolute asshole.

Ooooooohhh! I bet Opies loads of fun to hangout with at a bar. Mad Cubans, fruit flavored road sodas, fishing stories and bar tricks! Yowza!

Dude Bro 4 Eva

Opie is a low IQ asshole