Joe Rogans terrible stand up

12  2017-08-11 by HostDisorder

anybody else surprised that this guy sells out theatres?

I've never seen a more famous comedian suck so much.. just pure aggression and shouting and horrible premises.

do you think it's a classic case of a guy being already famous through tv, UFC, podcasts, and that's what sells the tickets?

If you've never seen him just quickly check it out and I guarantee you will agree. he's absolutely diabolical, and I'm wondering how he's so successful.


I only liked his last special triggered. Everything before that i agree is garbage

I couldn't even stand his latest one, but fair enough

it just gets to me because there are so many good comedians who tour the city it all the time and get nowhere.

and because of his influence he's gotten other shitty comics famous as fuck, like Diaz, shaffir, segura to name a few

Netflix made segura but i get your point. Aris stand up sucks but i like his podcast. Diaz is a great guest on shows. But not a great comic, people like hitchcliff and redban are the worst though idk why he likes them. Joes podcast is great but he picks the worst friends lol

He likes people who suck because he sucks. If he had somebody with talent in his clique they'd be the star of it because more than faggots in Affliction shirts would like them. Like let's say Doug Stanhope lived in Los Angeles and was in the Deathsquad (what kind of faggot gives his comedian clique a name like that?) nobody would give a shit about Joe because Stanhope is incredibly talented.

what kind of faggot gives his comedian clique a name like that?

Opie gave them that name and they ran with it. True story

Yup it all makes sense now! I believe the exact quote was when Joe was coming in studio years ago when they first got on XM and Joe came in with two MMA fighters and Opie goes "Here come's Rogan with the deathsquad"

hitchcliff and redban are the worst

Anybody that read this comment and didn't upvote is a tard. Tony Hitchcliff (hinchcliff? who fuckin cares.) is such a SHIT comedian.

i listened to rogan's end of the world podcast from election night. stanhope&bill obviously killed throughout the entire four hours, but the fucking 'golden pony' tony hinchcliff fucking brought it to a complete stop every single time he'd chirp in. very opie-esque.

Oh that was brutal man. But admit it Joe was fucking awful then too. I think he was just hammered/high but when he pulled that white knight shit and called out Bill Burr for saying "pussy" in a derogatory way when he knew the context, just to get brownie points from the unfunny cunt comedian on stage I physically got goosebumps from douche chills.

that may have been bill's peak - shutting down sara tiana and morgan murphy. i used to be an ardent listener/follower of everything ol freckles did, but i watched his last special and it just felt...different. ive tried explaining to other bill fans around me that he's changed his comedy ('yeah but he shits on hillary too!') but thank god i wasnt alone in this feeling.

i listen to jre for the guest, not the host. alex jones, jordan peterson? yes. eddie bravo solo? begrudgingly and only to kill three hours.

also interesting that you can always tell what level of celebrity/power/stature joe is at on the pecking order based on the guest and length of the episode. case in point - jamie foxx for what, an hour seven where eight minutes of it is joe's stupid marble-mouthed reads upfront?

We are on the same page 100% besides Eddie Bravo as a solo guests. Fight companions when his opinion actually matters a lot? Sure. But hearing him babble about conspiracies but avoiding debates literally give me an involuntary feeling of hate.

bro youre gonna believe nasa?

That's cgi! I know cause I watched a documentary! (15 min YouTube video of aspergers teen in front of a tv playing footage of the international space station. No really that's what he was referring to as evidence). LOOK INTO IT

He has a fanbase that loves him because they love MMA, his show and WEED DUDE WEED. I don't even think his biggest fans are going to say "Joe Rogan is my favorite comedian." They just like him, not his comedy. They think he's an alpha bro who has life figured out because he has a flotation tank to meditate in and they're too stupid to not pick up how pointless his ramblings are.

he must think he's channelling Sam Kinison because he shouts incessantly for the whole set, he doesn't speak elegantly about any of his topics, and his topics are limited to weed, psychedelics and .. well not much else really... maybe a few jokes about women are goofy or some shit.

he's never ever roasted by other comics, it's like they're scared of him because of his background in fighting, but also I think their worried that if they trash him, there's no way they can appear on his podcast - which essentially promotes then well and helps them sell tickets.

I think when he finally has his steroid induced heart attack, there will be a flood of joe rogan jokes and other comics will finally be able to reveal their true feelings.

he's a massive comedy fan who because he's rich can afford to perform on a whim. for other real comics it's their whole life having to travel and tour relentlessly. joe just turns up on a whim after a gym workout like it's just a little hobby

It's the podcast. Joe isn't going to fight anybody because they talked shit about him unless they said something about his kids. If it's just "Joe Rogan sucks" he's not going to be that mad about it, but he wouldn't do business with them.

do you think it's a classic case of a guy being already famous through tv, UFC, podcasts, and that's what sells the tickets?

That's it exactly. If he were to go back and try to attain the same level of success through the merit of his stand up alone he'd be sharing an apartment with 3 open mic'ers and performing in front of 7 people in a Chinese restaurant somewhere.

He'd be sleeping on Mike Vecchione's laundry pile next to Jay Oakerson's couch.

So he'd be finoia?

Dolla Dolla Bills Yall

He's really good at getting an audience, mediocre at everything else.

Another thing about Joe that bugs me is he's afraid of having anybody on he's not going to be in control of the show for. Like he's supposedly afraid to have Katt Williams and Sam Hyde on because he's afraid he'll lose control of the interview and look weak. He thinks Katt is going to rip him a new ass for being a hack and Sam is going to do a bit shitting on his beliefs.

He also smothers any attempt from a guest to be funny because he knows he isn't.

Jamie's videos are his Instant Feedback.

Pull that shit up

He sure likes to laugh his ass off at anything he says himself and then looks around the room to make sure everyone else is laughing too.

I love Joe Rogan and I don't care about weed or UFC. His podcast is great. His last stand up Triggered on netflix was great too. Take it the dicks out of your ass.

I don't deny that hisnposcastbis food, but only because some of his guests are good, and Joe is way funnier off the cuff on his stand up. it's like J Norton is way funnier on radio then onstage. Just disk jokes tranny jokes and poking fun at his own body and sexual deviance.

the real reason he sucks is because he's really one of the old school comics - guy started in 1994, and by 2017 he's just as poor.

I mean at what point does once accept their just not funny? fking 23 years id comedy and no profession.

I agree but I honestly think it's because he spreads himself thin. He's into like, 1000 different things and can't focus on one discipline.

I don't know about that. He does research for UFC, but he barely does any for JRE since it's more of a free wheeling conversation than a "in 1997 you did this movie" interview.

I saw him live working stuff out a few yrs ago and both my ex and I enjoyed it a lot (vastly different tastes).

He was also very cool to fans after the show.

He's a really nice guy. So I don't hate him. And it's not even an Amy Schumer situation where lots of people pretend they're good. He has a huge cult following and is self sustained. So more power to him.

Stand-up in general really isn't that funny.

I didn't believe stool humping was a real thing until I saw Rogan do it.

Somebody never watched Comicview.

That's just how famous comedians are now. I remember I was watching Louis CKs new special and made it to about 15 minutes where he made a joke about 9/11 deniers but it was just 9 people who denied the number 11. I immediately turned it off after that

yeah that was Louis most recent special, I didn't dig it.

Once again another example of a comedian who used to focus on comedy exclusively now trying to be the jack of all trades. Louis tv show which zaps material and energy, and he also directed and started another play like sitcom zapping energy and money. At the same time having to put a special every year, and his latest one felt forced as fuck.

I don't consider Louis the best comedian working today any more, whereas in 2007 he was the undisputed king.

Ricky Gervais is another prime example who walks into sold out stadiums because he made his fame in numerous television projects, I mean literally about 5 different successful shOws - well done. But he now tries to play it off like he plays 50 sweaters to warm up and all this shit.

he knows he can just films stadium full of The office and extras fans. His comedy delivery is fine, but his obsession with fat jokes, and his incessant mentioning of th fact that he's an atheist is so grating. I mean the guy is very irritating, but he's unfortunately killing it making 500,000 from a few performances. Oh and I forgot how he's juggling TV, comedy, and movies. movies that all flop, but big holywood polished turds of movies which obviously help to fill those theatres - imagine starring in numerous Hollywood movies and NOT selling out a comedy gig - not happening

The first time I ever actually saw him live was 3 years ago, he followed Bill Burr at the Ice House. I'd never seen a comedian level a room like Bill did that night, it was indescribable.

Rogan went on afterward and you could just feel the energy suck out of the room. He came out all blustery and full of energy, and he was all noise and no jokes. I just sat there expecting to laugh and being like "any second now, he's gonna get on his feet...." Never happened. He was fucking awful. It was like Jim Bruer used to say, Guns N Roses trying to follow Metallica.

very well written.

the only bizarre thing is that he has that opie Hughes effect on ppl in the room. he will be aggressive towards someone and make them feel uncomfortable but no one ever mentions it, no one has a go back at joe, whether it's because he's a fighter or because he might ban you from his podcast - and eveey comedian knows that it means a definite loss of tickets since that cast promotes the shit out of a comedian as he has 1,600,000 subscribers

He got where he is by sheer numbers/work ethic. He's got enough of a "Michael Bay movie" effect where it's just people that wanted to get out on a Friday night and see a comedy show, they came ready to laugh at pretty much anything. After 20 years of that, you make a name for yourself.

I guess I respect him for that and for being a nice & supportive guy, I just dont think he or any of the guy he champions (Ari Shaffir, Duncan Trussell, Redban) are funny. Except for Joey Diaz.

Joey diaz is shit

I thought he was too until I saw him live. If you ever get to see him do stand up, he will win you over in about 40 seconds. He's a fucking monster.

JRE is an amazing podcast, he's way more funny on the podcast then his standup. To be fair though Jimmy is the same to me. A radio 3rd mic genius but a barely above average comedian.

One cringe worthy moment of note with Joe is last time he had University of Toronto professor, Jordan Petersen, on his podcast and he mentions to Joe that his impression of the Kardashian women being succubus demons on his latest standup special being "shocking and hilarious" and instead of just saying "Oh thanks man", he goes on to say "Well the weird thing is I become something different during that bit and it's actually scary. I'm no longer a comedian, I become a strange demon and I have to put myself in that dark place for the bit to work. It's like I'm out of my body looking down on myself becoming a demon."

Wow, you're a regular Daniel Day Fuckin Lewis there Joe -.-

Beneath all that testosterone and New Age pseudo-science lurks an absolute zilch. His only redeeming qualities are his open-mindedness, and the guests he gets on his show.

It's amazing how little is expected of him, and how far he's made it with those low expectations. Nobody tunes in expecting Joe to make them laugh, or to even make good points. It's all on the guests.

That doesn't explain him selling out theaters, though. His comedy is closer to Pauly Shore than George Carlin. His intellect is closer to Tits than Noam Chomsky.

The most infuriating part is who he undoubtedly views as peers. Stanhope is a 1,000x funnier stand-up and better writer than Rogan will ever be, but you know he thinks they're in the same neighborhood.

TL;DR - you'll never go broke making dumb people feel smart

I guess I have to admire anyone who gets on stage, but he such a brain dead Bro with nearly zero jokes.

it's like when ronda rousey was trying to make a movie and be world champ - it can't work. Joe has chosen to make his stand up be his worst aspect because he's so fking busy doing loads of other stuff.

do u think Richard Pryor had 8 other projects going on at the leak of his stand up. the movies he did came at the end, and that was his only other distraction, and even that allowed him to continue working on a comedic character that could have helped him with his next stand up material. Joe rogan was screaming encouragement while women drank donkey cum while he sucked in his THC infused lollipop

Yeah, he's not the best stand-up, but he's generally a cool dude that gathers fans from his podcast and UFC, even though his show has turned into adolescent immature pot talk and an incessant obsession with feminism; his hatred for women is as excruciatingly tiresome and thinly veiled as Anthony's hatred for blacks.

EVERY comic who becomes famous through podcasting is terrible at standup so it's not surprising at all. This assclown, Marc maron, Chris nerdiest faggot? See a pattern here?

I think the only exception I think is Gavin mcinness // he's a top comedian but has probs done 30mins max in his whole life which is a shame

I like Joe and I think he means well. Even the O N N I T stuff, he thinks he's helping people. But the stand up thing is so fucking embarrassing. How he refers to himself as a "real comic" and talks about writing material all the time. No comic would dare call him on it because he's huge and has such a platform. He hasn't made me laugh once and I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of hours of his podcast and some of his stand up

I saw his last Netflix special and thought it was just okay. Wasn't blown away but thought it was way better than the average yokel that is promoted these days.

Yup it all makes sense now! I believe the exact quote was when Joe was coming in studio years ago when they first got on XM and Joe came in with two MMA fighters and Opie goes "Here come's Rogan with the deathsquad"