braunheiser thank you for doing these VideOandA marathons

178  2017-08-11 by KiraYoshikagay

I'm sick and going through some gay shit and they help me out a lot, appreciate it.


What's got you down, ffaaaaagggg??

I have some weird health shit where my balance is off so I'm a wobbly fag. The doctors don't know or care. wahhhh.

Could be an inner ear infection or AIDS.

It's the aids.

And he was already tested for an inner ear infection.

I had that a couple years ago. Lasted 2 weeks. It sucks. Docs had no clue. One guy said it could be a brain tumor. But then it went away so I never went back.

You ever had AIDS?

You haven't?

Could be Meniere's, look it up. Also: less salt.

Call Dr Steve. You probably need fllllllluuuuuiddds.

Wasn't Dr. Steve going through the same thing? He always responds to PMs with actual medical sources and stuff so you should hit him up -/u/drsteve103

The Doc is a complete Anti-Opie.

Never a complaint about him, always helps people out without asking for anything in return, has no problem with laughing at himself.

Oh and his show is still on Sirius.

Yet the problem is always everyone else.

Did you have a stroke? Or are you just trying to stroke dicks or sumptin tsss

Email me ya lunatic

I pm'd you

You have a rock in your shoe.

I get vertigo whenever there isn't a cock up my ass just like you brother. Chin up.

Braunheiser is a faggot

I am a faggot too.

Me three! Wanna fuck?

U guys should've seen this twink that jerked me of last night. He had his nipps pierced and loved his titties being sucked on like .... like as big as your imagination.

this sub would be dead if it weren't for my braunny!

The "sub" has been dead for a while

oh ya?

Ya it has been an Orwellian safe space for frustrated gay autists for quite a while.

People used to constantly make fun of the fact that Cumia couldn't do a show without bringing his same old political views into it, now that's exactly what is done here.

No problem man glad to hear they help, I am doing another around Tues/Wednesday next week and running it for a bit longer too

I always watch old o&a clips on YouTube. Sometimes the same ones over and over again. Can't tell you how cool it is to have a curated playlist for one thing, but also knowing that it's "live" and seeing the comments as others watch along too makes it a great experience. You're keeping the community alive, you fuckin fag.

seeing the comments as others watch along too makes it a great experience

For the last hour, every comment inserts "Scorch" into movie titles.

You're right.

It's a wonderland of joy.

Yeah I don't get what's going on with that, it's kinda funny though I guess.

I also want to say THANK YOU. I could of been a youtuber, for the record sniff

It's either could HAVE or could'VE, but never could OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Gah Damnitttt

The sentimentality in OP and this response makes me want to puke.... the only 'hanging in there' I want OP to do is by a rope

You're angry because of all the Gilgore you listened too.

If he had truly listened to Gilgore that much he'd have shot himself by now.

No wonder he's so tense, poor bastard.

Yeah I know I'm a sentimental doofus lately, my b

Your marathon make my worthless weekends matter

Your sick? Is the AIDS getting to you? But feel better for real tho.

I go through gay shit constantly

With your cawwwk. AGOOSH

AIDs is uncurable, you are gonna die

Calm down, dummy. It's not like he's streaming some exclusive shit you can't find anywhere.

These posts are always uncomfortable. I hope you feel a little embarassed when you wake up and see this

So who gets to shit on who's chest?

nothing that a pecker up the backside won't fix

Yep, good shiznit futha muckahs.

Love these marathons, all TEFFT PATTERN

This guy does more show prep then some people that have been on the radio for years.

The Doc is a complete Anti-Opie.

Never a complaint about him, always helps people out without asking for anything in return, has no problem with laughing at himself.

Oh and his show is still on Sirius.

Yet the problem is always everyone else.

Ya it has been an Orwellian safe space for frustrated gay autists for quite a while.