Rogan and Norton are basically the same stand up act

1  2017-08-11 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Dated references. Constantly talking about how the men you hang out with could sexually assault you, despite the fact that nobody asked. Subjects that would have been edgy 15 years ago. Punctuating every joke with facial expression or bug eyes. The only difference is that Joe shouts and Jim blinks.

Tell me this couldn't be a fucking Norton bit.


they're both terrible at stand-up in similar ways.

At least Rogan drinks beer and eats like an adult male. Also, he is married and has kids and Jim has trouble getting laid in a city of 10 million people while working in the entertainment industry.

I'm not sure about his wife and kids. On the one hand, a gay guy pretending to be straight doesn't barely mention his wife and kids. On the other hand, a straight guy doesn't describe other men based on how likely it is that said man could forcibly penetrate them.

I don't agree at all. Joe is a far better stand up then Jimmy. I like Jim a lot but his strength is radio.
