If only Anthony's face didn't look like a satellite image of Mosul

8  2017-08-11 by Whydontulovemelynsi


I have an idea for a gag gift.

It's a little black book titled "Reasons Hitler Wasn't Wrong" and you'd pull it out to act like your writing what your seeing down during those times in which what you're seeing is just a little too crazy

This makes me want to kill myself! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...HAHA...ha..

happy cake day faggot

I love how rattled this made those incel genetic dead ends

Can you imagine how far gone those losers had to have been to be so shocked that women care about looks just as much as men do?

God women are the worst

good gag would be a book titled 'How to avoid killing people in enclosed spaces' .... read it on the subway

This is kinda funny but the guys profile reads like a parody so it kinda ruins this little 'experiment'

You all realize the guy could have put "I recently got out of jail for tax fraud and want to be a good person again" or something then edit his description after he got his responses?
No, r/incels would never lie to make themselves feel justified.

yeah i read the comments on the original post too bro

yeah i read the comments on the original post too bro