Proud to Say that I Like the Jim & Sam Show

80  2017-08-11 by OpiesInnerCircle

I really do. It's as close to Opie & Anthony as we're ever going to get and they do it pretty well. And, frankly, I like the Roberts kid's snarkiness. I hate that he knows nothing about rock or anything pre-1990, but, I do love the snarkiness. The only thing that would make it better would be the addition on Anthony if he would shut the fuck up about blacks and liberals. We get it!!!!


So you're a proud boy,

I clicked on this thread for a proud boy joke. Well done.

I would agree with this post if I didn't want people to think I was a fag.

You should try something else to throw us off the scent, it's not working.

so by not agreeing, people think you are a fag?

You need to work on your nouns and adjectives and tenses and shiznit.

I hope you are being sarcastic. Listening to Jim Norton wax poetic during interviews is like watching someone strangle your dog. That show is terrible because the Roberts kid is an annoying kike who talks out his nose about wrestling at every opportunity.

It's a Wild Show.

I hope you die.

oh dear, is this what we've come to?

it's one thing if you're gay, but don't be gross, dude.

Of course he knows about Rock, he has a Rob Zombie AND a Jack White tattoo.

".....for me to poop on!" (Sorry for the 15 year old Triumph reference.)

My problem is that I can't listen to 3-4 hours of okay filler. If I'm devoting that time to something, I'd rather it be an audio book. J&S is like something I would put on in the background to make my dog feel comfortable.

How do you listen to them when they live? I am not from the US and have no clue about sirius radios

youtube it.


I want to attempt to call in but idk when its on and where to listen live

If you have an American or Canadian VPN you can get unlimited free trials of the streaming service

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Or is it 800-888-8888

Fuck if i know, ill be paying 100€ a minute wont i if i call that

But if you are injured, you'll get 10% of it back in court

he really was a babbling old fool today. Jim's been trying for years to get him back on and he just goes straight back into racial tirades. cringe inducing.

who gives a fuck about interracial couples in Tide commercials. liberal pandering is mildly annoying but this brainwashed old faggot just read way too much niggamania and legit fucked his brain up.

He honestly believes he's making hundreds/thousands of people laugh really hard. I guess it's the 2010s version of shock jockery. Or at least, the only thing left of it.

The current culture war is really meaningless except to the few broken faggots on both sides that take it seriously. Most average people don't give a fuck, and you just come off as deranged when you're as passionate about imaginary race issues as Tranth is.

Well not just that: His house created The Proud Boys.

take the Jewish tricks elsewhere. we aren't just a bunch of gullible goyim here, so you wont get a pass downplaying your race mixing propaganda, Shlomo.

I listen to the show daily and also enjoy it but Sam has to stop with the persistent liberal angle on every topic of the day. black women's hair is a big deal, Russia hacked our voting machines, 1 in 4 women have been raped. we get it Sam, you get your news from your wife each evening.

I was ok with what you wrote until you said snarkiness a second time.

Ewww he did..

Sam is actually quite culturally aware and relevant, and does know a lot of things pre-1990. He laughed at a Charlie Watts hairdo reference recently.


I vehemently disagree


More insufferable than Sam not knowing over 90's references is him pretending to know Hip Hop..

Jim "...back when I was in Toronto—"

Sam "—TORONTO? You mean home of the 6-God? Drake? He's the 6-God! 6-God, bro! Drake..."

Ugh, shut uuupppppp!

Couldn't press upvote hard enough.

Sam is African American

That shit annoys me more than opie, White knight Jimmy, and Ant's racism put together. Just the fact that there was one episode where this dork was adamantly praising and defending Rick Ross because he wasn't hurt by the whole 50 Cent beef or whatever. Also, Sam, in true Opie-like fashion, said boss in rick Ross Voice like 10 fucking times to silence and he thought it was funny every time. I wish I was listening live so I could have called Sam out for thinking he knows about the hip-hop community. I live in the south. I listen to hip-hop, people don't fuck with Rick Ross. He's not respected. And the fact that he "survived" a A beef with ol irrelevant since 2003, vitamin water 50 Cent, doesn't make you some type of bad ass. Especially not into hip-hop community… Sam doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

Yea, its one thing to know about Hip Hop and yap about it, its another thing to know the most basic-stupid shit and repeat that fucking over and over and over and over..

The other day he tried to shoehorn it into the convo:

Jim: I'm gonna be Toronto.

Sam: You'll be there for the OVO Fest!

Jim: What's OVO?

Sam: It's uhhh-uhhh.. It's OVO! Drake's thing! OVO! You don't know OVO?

Jim: Okay.

Sam: Yea, you gonna go to that?

Obviously not you fucking twat! Stop acting like you're "with it" cause you know about some mediocre rapper that 50 year old Norton doesn't.

And OVO stands for October's Very Own, something that might've been useful to say when asked, instead of stammering.

OVO whats this???

Officer Ricky. Nigga sucks.


Tsss Rick Ross, what's he dress for less or sumpthin?


Listen to this, then tell me how close the show is to the ol' O&A show:

Even with Ant in studio, they never come close to the level of blatant trolling anymore that made them so great.

I find it's a lot better at 1.25 or 1.5 speed on YouTube. Bit slow otherwise, gets through the boring shit fast. Plus it gives you the ability to skip shit guests.

I will listen to it in the car, but it has not made me laugh so hard that I almost drove off the road. According to the callers, O&A used to do that all the time.

I drive off the road doing 65 every morning listening to it, but it's usually because I'm reading this sub. Glad they installed those loud groove strip in the asphalt so I can jerk it back safely.

The show needs one more comic to go back and forth with James. Sam is fine as an upgraded Opie, but he fancies himself a funny person and he's not. The world needs ship steerers too.

I'd say Sam's music knowledge stops more like around 2004.

And starts at 2000

I like the show. I admit it. It's infinitely better with Ant, and they know it. Well, when he isn't pounding the same draining points. Big test of whether or not they give two shits about what their fans want will be if they do some Jocktober this year. Most want it. They could do it. We'll see.

-The only thing that would make it better would be the addition on Anthony

If that happened, the only thing that would make it better would be the elimination of Sam

I think it's a good show. Jim and Sam work well together because they actually like each other. I also enjoy Travdog's contributions, something that lacked from the previous dumpster fire of a program.

Yuck. This sub just turned gay. I don't like it at all. I think Jim and Sam have terrible chemistry. Jim will make a reference from the 70's, Sam won't get it. Then Sam will make a current pop culture reference, and Jim won't get it. Then Jim will make a sex joke. They will politely fake laugh. Then they have an uninformed conversation for 45 minutes. Then have a guest on. That is sometimes a good guest, and sometimes not.

Proud boy

I wish I liked it, but alas.

Same is the hole

I would have made this post in November of 2016. When they still cared about it, and Sam wasn't preoccupied with being "the host."

It's a mediocre show, with the right guest, typically a comedian the show has its moments. Those are few and far between if it is just Jim and Sam

Congratulations, you're a faggot who likes shit radio. Be proud like the rest of the homos.

faggot, shocked you like rasslin too faggot.

Sam's sarcasm or "snarkiness" is his worst quality. 75% of the show is him either doing a drawn out explaining of something that requires no explination, or him doing the same thing but with a hint of sarcasm. Does he honestly think he's funny? It's infuriating.

are you also proud of your pedophilia? Da fuck are you going on about. Cunt.