"I could leave this place tomorrow and be faaaawkin fine!"

44  2017-08-10 by Single_Action_Army



It's taking a long time for him to find a gig. That's not a good sign for the old Opster. It's means nobody is chomping at the tits to sign him.

Why would anybody want to hire a liability who thinks he hung the fucking moon? Why would anybody want to hire one-half of a northeastern radio brand that hit its zenith 20 years ago? Why would anybody wanna hire a glorified on-air producer who thinks he's talent and makes everyone who is around him hate his guts?

He has never done anything himself and now he is being fed that fact like a bar of soap. Good. Choke on it you fat titted retard.

Whoa, tell us how ya really feel!

Hack response from a hack comedian

Whoa, tell us how ya really feel!

Goddamnit, who gave Vos a computer?

hey, c'mon dude. that's kinda mean.

I think this guy has a point. It's time we evolve as people and stop tearing each other down. So let's all take a minute to thank this user...named...uhhh...

I've been hoodwinked!

tsss. tss What you hoods winking, it's got something in its eye or sumptin, I don't know, I'm just riffin.


anyone even thinking about hiring the Opester, would google him & end here, LOL

Not to be a Positive Peckah, but every other time Dopie was fired, the company paid out his contract and wouldn't let him work due to a non-compete.

Fortunately for us we know he signed a single one year contract last October so in a month and a half we can sit outside Trump Tower and get new pictures of Lynsi as she supervises the movers putting his shit out on the sidewalk.

I hope by "this place" he means earth

He was given about a decade head start on that one and he still wasn't ready.

"Yeah great, go spin records again" Opie got so butthurt when Ant said this lmao