I just fell over in front of a bunch of strangers on the bus. Most appropriate method to kill myself?

15  2017-08-10 by condom_cracker28


Actor–observer asymmetry

Actor–observer asymmetry (also actor–observer bias) explains the errors that one makes when forming attributions about the behavior of others (Jones & Nisbett 1971). When people judge their own behavior, and they are the actor, they are more likely to attribute their actions to the particular situation than to a generalization about their personality. Yet when an observer is explaining the behavior of another person (the actor), they are more likely to attribute this behavior to the actors’ overall disposition rather than to situational factors. This frequent error shows the bias that people hold in their evaluations of behavior (Miller & Norman 1975).

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What a bunch of gobbledygook.

grab the wheel and turn it into oncoming traffic or off a bridge

Alcoholism and isolation, like the rest of us.

why is everyone forgetting drugs

Too many xanax will make you forget things

isnt that the point of all drugs and alcohol?

Throw in an Ambien and you forget the Xanax.


At least tell us the story.

One time i stepped out the bus and landed on my face in the street. I was wearing platform louboutins and looked cute as fuck tho

One time i called my bus driver mom and told her i loved her by accident.

Everyone's made that mistake

Just like when you go for some toilet paper in a public bathroom and end up taking a hot sticky load in the back of your throat, And just when you're about to leave, you kiss the tip and say "goodnight mom"

One time I accidentally overpaid my ticket at the busdriver and realized it after exiting only.

Point is, you gotta look ahead and not let tragedy define your life, buddy!

Since you're riding the bus, I can only assume that you're black, and you "people" sure do love killing each other. So just sit around be black, and then another black will take care of this problem for you soon enough.
