ME: Where we at with the impending nuclear apocalypse?

6  2017-08-10 by BabyDinosaurHead


If Trump had good aim he would hit this subredit.

unfortunately since were the underbelly of society, we'll survive like cockroaches

Nah he would target ((((certain communities))))

It's only America and North Korea. Who cares.

The Guamie Bears care.

good point! where are the reddit servers? that's all I care about!

I'm willing to let reddit burn if it means american die.

I hope I become a ghoul. Smooth skin is the nigger of the future.

Underworld > Rivet City

Smooth skin fags keep out

Fudge yeah, fellow gamers!

I think if both countries sit down and have a nice calm discussion, they'd come to a resolution, but what do I know?

ME: Why can't dey figure dat shit out?

I don't have even one care to give. Can't say it's been much of a life, but it could've been worse. At least I got to say cunt a bunch of times.

I don't know. I'm pretty confident Russia and China has people inside the NK government that will prevent them from actually nuking America or it's allies. If Kim was seriously contemplating it, they would probably have him assassinated.

Of course nothing is going to happen, this is just international dick waving

To be fair, there is always the chance of huge mistake on Trump's part. We could have WW3 with conventional weapons. Korea would be obliterated and Japan would suffer. Who knows what else could erupt from such a conflict.

Eh, I doubt it. Trumps public image is charged up a volatile, but I'd bet that behind closed doors the 71 year old reality tv star just looks at his generals and goes, "so uhhh, what do we do?"

In some ways, that is just as scary.

Why, it's fucking MATTIS. We'll be fine.

peckas flapping in the wind

things are really safer with Trumps dick-waving, if we had Hillary then she'd be sneakily doing wars (sorry, not 'wars', fighting terror) to appease the lobbyists who she's in bed with, there's not much profit fighting NK or ending the world, & Trump doesn't need the money. All is fine!

Hillary would be worse. That was one of the reasons I thought Trump would be better than Hillary. But Trump was also more non-interventionist during the campaign than he is now.

On the other, Trump's complete lack of experience has lead to a really messy cabinet and over reliance on his generals. All the pentagon wants is war. We might honestly be in almost as bad of a position as we would have been with hillary.

maybe, although Trump seems the sort to just throw some bombs, rather than make a long-term strategy, I'm not sure how that might work out, but 'long term strategies' usually mean lots of money & profit interests influence

It'd suck if we all died now. I was morbidly curious about watching all the climate change things play out.


Sherrod should canopy the west coast with his tongue for nuclear protection.

Gonna be PFG

If they ever did hit the continental US, it would most likely be somewhere on the west coast, which is perfectly fine with me to be completely fawkin honest with you.

looking forward

Well thankfully my place of residence is too irrelevant to be bombed. It'll be fine.

What do I know? Big wigs wanna bomb each other go ahead I say! I'll just get my container of post apocalyptic potato vodka and human scalp chips and head down to the workplace to rape my slave donkey

I mean have you seen his hair!!! Of course he makes bad choices. Right folks!

I hope Opie can squeeze in another pop-up show or two before it happens.