Theory: Ant shaved off his goatee and started juicing, getting veneers, plugs etc. due to Colin's 'Back alley Tunisian knife fighter' comment

63  2017-08-10 by ElmerDudd


Goatee Ant was funny. I miss Goatee Ant.

If it weren't for all those misunderstood terror attacks that would probably be the best version of Ant.

Theory: no.

maybe; it also could have been the corsican pimp or pedophile carnie comparisons.

They've got 21 hours left in a day once the show ends, it's probably because of a comment from one of the people in his actual life.

So.... Keith or Bevis?

80% into life crisis

Goatee Ant and Fat Jim were the best versions of them.

It wasn't so much fat Jim as angry Jim. Now we have pontificating Jim. Who has his moments. But angry Jim was funnier.

Jim still gets angry.

Don't you like the stories where the cocksuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckers at @Continental wake him in his first class seat to give him a warm chocolate chip cookie, but it's only barely tepid, and not warm at all?

Those scuuuummmmmmmmbags gave him a chocolate chip cookie that was made with vanilla extract, which contains traces of alcohol. He's in recovery!!!!!

I love when he lets those scuuuuuuumbags at apple have it regarding cloud storage.

I think he's evolving from pontificating Jim to woke Jim.

Angry Jim was an annoying cunt. He sounded like a 12 year ranting on their myspace page.

What was Opie's best version?

When he dies.

Spuds Buckley

He wanted the Fox news /alt right / kkk crowd acceptance so he changed his look

The alt right: people who use Pepe as a mascot.

Fox News: people who have no idea what 4chan is.

They're not the same group just because you happen to disagree with both of them.

Suck my balls how about that you cunt

Or, he is vastly insecure and puts too much value in vanity to couple with his wealth in order to attract young girls he can have complete dominance over.

prob the only thing I semi respect him for anymore

Nah, it all started when he was dating the model.

This is my thought too. Anthony started to fix himself up when he was getting better quality girls. When they left, and he realized he could still pull women off twitter without much work, it slowed down a bit. He still has occasional Tv work so he's sorta going with a middle ground now.

Your theory blows.


He was probably graying in his beard so he shaved it. Ironically, he looks even older without it.

He's pulling a Sammy Sosa, so ashamed of his African heritage.

Theory: Ant wants to spill his putrid negroid seed into young white pussy, and takes action that he believes will aid in this goal.

dont we all

I always figured Ant was doing too much coke so after his heart attack scare he started cleaning up his act with the gym trainer etc.

Steroids and or HGH could explain Anthony's transformation into a human bobblehead. I've read other's hypotheses this was due to bloating from alcoholism, however I'm a drunk and I've got a head only slightly larger than a grapefruit.

Any pics/screen caps of him now? I don't pay for that shit

I can't get over the idea that he took steroids or HGH or whatever. Out of all the things he did to himself, that is the most stupid. All he did was get fatter. He still has no muscles. I think someone forgot to tell him that if you take that shit you still have to actually work out and eat right, otherwise it doesn't work.

I doubt it. Ant doesn't take things "friends" or other comedians say seriously because they aren't intended to hurt him. It was probably the fans repeating the line sincerely that got to the sensitive faggot and made him change his appearance.

Is he juicing?

Don't forget miserable, nearly divorced Louis.

Theory: ant just realized he looked like shit.

Colin also once said Anthony resembled a lizard, ironically he looks more like a lizard without the goatee