Cbanks made it to the top of R/Cringeanarchy

5  2017-08-10 by Purplestahli



Not the hero we deserved, but the one that we needed.


Legend. I'm glad you guys would wear rising to the top of our sub as a badge of honor. Cheers.

"Our sub" you aren't part of some community homo

I've been there since the inception of the subreddit. I made the banner and sidebar image. Homo.

I hope you're Mr. HIV Positive.

I have the good kind of AIDS. I have Magic Johnson AIDS.

Why do the brits run Reddit

If you are suggesting that I'm a brit and that I have anything to do with running reddit you're way off. I said "Cheers" because a few of my fellow /r/watchpeopledie mods are Aussie cunts and some of the lingo rubbed off on me a bit I guess. And I don't run reddit I simply mod a few subs. I think that Reddit is run by a bunch of geeky millennials with a propensity for SJW bullshit. Don't quote me on that tho

My opinion

Dont quote me on it


What's this supposed to mean?

You're an honorary Aussie cunt, you know that right? hehe

Hell yeah and I'm coming out there one day for sure.

Your Aussie as well? So much pride for my country rn

Too right mate! (:

I dont know, you're the one that says weird shit like that apparently. Who the hell states an opinion but doesnt want to be quoted on it? Stand by your beliefs or dont have em.

When someone says "don't quote me on that" it means "I'm possibly just spouting off a bunch of bullshit so don't take what I'm saying too seriously". It's used fairly commonly I thought.

Maybe im a horses ass then. I dunno.

Well I meant it in that way. Like "don't quote me on that because I have no fucking idea what I'm actually talking about and please don't take me seriously". It's all good though I'm not sure why you came at me like that but I forgive you. You're an alright guy. A standup guy. A real Dapper Dan man.

Carlton is my hero

of course hes from this fawking hater community

"Our sub" you aren't part of some community homo

Why do the brits run Reddit

If you are suggesting that I'm a brit and that I have anything to do with running reddit you're way off. I said "Cheers" because a few of my fellow /r/watchpeopledie mods are Aussie cunts and some of the lingo rubbed off on me a bit I guess. And I don't run reddit I simply mod a few subs. I think that Reddit is run by a bunch of geeky millennials with a propensity for SJW bullshit. Don't quote me on that tho

When someone says "don't quote me on that" it means "I'm possibly just spouting off a bunch of bullshit so don't take what I'm saying too seriously". It's used fairly commonly I thought.