How do you feel about cuckoldry?

0  2017-08-10 by TinKnockinMoroccan


why involve a stinky woman in things?

I'm open to it.

i'm hoping to be the bull for a nerdy bbw coworker and her nerdy twink husband. she's a fan of bill nye, the husbands got cuckold written allll over him, and i'm the "bull" of the office (the bar is low); i'm halfway there.

any decent looking person who doesn't like cuckoldry is a fool.

or normal

Yeah who doesn't want to fuck fat women except any decent looking person

decent looking people with anti social personality disorders, like i imagine half this sub is. Men that are 5's and 6's, and if they get in a relationship with an in-shape woman it's doomed to end like Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

I'm deeply ambivalent in regards to monogamy so I don't care if my girlfriend fucks somebody else, I just don't want to be in the room for it. Unless it's another woman.


I'm not a liberal.

I wonder if the phrase "Take my wife, please" is overplayed in the cuckold community

I hope my wife dies of aids so it's a ok in my book.

It's only fine among whites.

It's hard to find white only cuckold porn. 😕