
50  2017-08-09 by Dennyislife


Here comes the pre

Looks like hes moving a couch


Holy shit that had me howling brothaman

bobo fucked di

Could you imagine the stench?

stench of glory for bobo

Smelled like....victory awlroight. Someday this whore's gunna end.

Maybe after a bottle of Jack!

Hopefully that kiss happened after she had sucked about 30 homeless cocks in a row and hadn't brushed her teeth or used any mouthwash.

Goals 😍

Are they kissing, or trying to eat each other?

Holy shit i thought that was Terry Clifford for a second

Is she wearing a tablecloth?

They should've been more like slave owners and breaded their freaks.

for da show awlroight?

Someone was just posting about how opie was at least smart enough not to bring porn stars onto the show.. yet he allowed this sloppy water buffalo in the studio

Almost forgot what my stomach bile tasted like. Than you.

Bobo and Lady Di aren't even the grossest thing in that picture.