A clip I haven't seen referenced before. 41:13 mark of the Febuary 1st 2007 show, Opie tells a story of how in school he got punched in the face and knocked out cold for calling a black guy nigga while playing basketball. Anyone who believes this actually happened?

5  2017-08-09 by nstricker44


I believe he got bullied by a black kid and his titties twisted and this is him twisting a story.

Artie Lange did that bit n 2005,recorded it n 2006& put it on his Its the Whiskey Talking DVD. Funny how n 2007 Comedy Central aired Arts special almost once every weekend. Thanks for the post I don't think anyone ever called him out on this. Here's Art doing it & being funny https://youtu.be/iwkCztQhPvY

Not that I believe it happened but Opie told this story dating back to WNEW.

I don't know how anyone can even pretend to say Artie isn't funny. How many 10 year old comedy bits can you watch of someone at the Tempe Improv and laugh?

There's no doubt he stole that shit from Artie. I want to go back now and check the dates on BOBOs math. Wig had a bit when Eric Midget called n they wud say quick 9x6 and even tho "he graduated top 3 of his class,he can't do times tables that early cuz he just woke up,ehh"

Of course it never happened. He claims to start saying "my ni---". This would have been in the 70's. Nobody started saying my niggah until the early 90's at least. He's a lying sack of fuck.


More likely stole it from Baba Booey who told a similar story of calling a classmate Nigger and getting punched

Either way - nothing he says is true or interesting.

no, the term nigga wasn't popular when he was in high school