You didn't even understand the depth of Crash maaaaaaaaan

40  2017-08-09 by UnitedStates_America

Jim sucks


Crash was about as deep as Rocky's speech at the end of Part IV

He's just pretending to be intellectual because he thinks it will impress that unfunny hack Kelsey.

😂 that Bald boyfriend of hers

Kelsey is extremely cute. It almost excuses Jim acting like a jackass to impress her.

I still don't get why a gay man would want to get in her pants so badly though.

Rocky IV is one of the most patriotic films ever.

If the black thug can change... and the evil cop can change... ANYWUB KIN CHAWWNNNNGE

Hearts of fiiiiire...


I'd have more respect for Jim if he was defending Pickle Rick as funny.

Are they doing a parody or did some fag take too much Adderall and write that mess?

I honestly can't tell. It's freshman English paper bad.

Why are you even reading that shit

He's the only one who still remembers it. It's up there with Hurt Locker as best picture winners nobody gives a fuck about.

Hurt Locker was so unbelievably average.

Yeah but anti war + vagina = victory.

Just like Bigelow will win again for Detroit. She is a master at pandering.

I mean it was good but in a very average way. It was a fine movie but fuckin so far far from Oscar worthy

I would have preferred if the entire film had the same feeling of intensity and purpose that the first Guy pearce scene had.

2 hour movie that has no point except that war is addictive.


You just don't get it maaaaaaaan. You're calling it basic? There are levels maaaaaan

The best part is he calmed down, then will read his twitter feed with everyone shitting on that movie and get angry again.

Detroit won't win because it's already facing backlash from black critics and audiences. They made a pandering story about race with a white director and a white screenwriter. That loses you points these days.

"The Artist". Has anyone ever watched that one twice?

No, but it was great the first time.

In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.

Actual dialogue from the movie

He only likes 6 movies and this is one?

He really does need to watch a few more. Jim was impressed by the hunger game he has to expand his horizons.

I never really thought about how even a city as populated as L.A. could have people feeling so detached.

Im a moron and this gives me hope that i could write and sell a screenplay.

You can't

Can so

is crash a movie or show

The comments under that video are sickening

that was fucking horrid

Who the fuck is still talking about Crash thirteen years later? Christ, Jim.

Same people making 30 year old movie references

Like a dopes eyes

I always remember Crash being that movie about the people who fetishize car accidents which was also pretty forgettable.

I think Jim's talking about a movie which I care even less about.

It also stole its title from a movie in which Rosanna Arquette fucked cars.


Paul Haggis (the writer/director) didn't realize he was in a cult for 30 years.

Crash is saccharine, cringey, and has no basis in reality. I have no idea what Jimmy sees when he watches it.

He doesn't experience much beyond the same 2 bands, 3 comics, 6 movies and 1 TV show he likes. It's like Sam and food.

I have no idea why he saw Crash and has refused to see so much good shit that would blow his mind. A date must have demanded to go see it.

Jimmy is doubly infuriating. First you have to drag him kicking and screaming to experience new things. And even then, he hates the good things in life and latches on to the mediocre and bad shit.

Force him at gunpoint to learn to use technology newer than 1999: "Apple is SSSSSSCUMBAGS"

tie him to a chair, force his eyelids open and make him watch movies made after 1970: He picks the corny Marxist race-baiting one as his favorite.

Paul Hargiss? Yeah

Oh god, is that why he gave Uncle Paul that surname.


Is he talking about Crash from 2004 or Crash from 1996. Crash from 96 seems more to his taste.

What's it's about, suckin cock?

It's about getting sexual gratification from car crashes. It's based on J.G. Ballard's book on the same name. The book's good. I've never seen the movie.

That movie always gets confused with the Canadian one of the same name, starring James Spader about people getting sexually turned on by car crashes, bent metal and torn flesh.

Warm Leatherette

"Crash is a movie that makes stupid people feel smart." -Ron Bennington

What's a movie that makes a obese turd that feel like wearing three pairs of sunglasses can make him looks skinny

It's painful how unfunny and unoriginal you are. What happened, sweetie? Did you call into Ron and Fez with nothing interesting and Ron smashed you and hung up? Go watch old man Cumia slur his way through a show.

Oh man you caught me

I dunno, I'm a big Cronenburg fan and that movie is awesome.

Remember, this is a guy who probably thinks that movies about how miserable everyone is in the suburbs are cutting edge and eye-opening. Doesn't realize every movie of that type has the exact same message. Meanwhile people with loving families and normal lives are much happier and more well adjusted than guys who have no one at 50 and have to pay for someone to pretend to like them for thirty minutes while they get off. Oh, Jimmy. Lonely, empty Jimmy.

Fuck I was hoping this was the Cronenberg film .I would have fucked that wound too.

I went to a gross liberal prep school. One day someone wrote "nigger" on a bathroom wall. The staff went hysterical. We had several class meetings and about it and they made us watch Crash to learn that black people weren't all criminals or something (I didn't really pay attention). That's who this movie appeals to. Jim and leftist English teacher cuckolds

So they succeeded in boring the innocent students to tears and making the hotheads even more angry, annoyed, and resentful.

Leftists are dumb as shit.

I did laugh when sandra bullock fell down the stairs.

Im so glad I missed the show today. As if Mary Jean wasn't reason enough to miss. Thank you for your service.

"You just don't understand X" is the final defense of anyone who doesn't have an actual argument. I get this all the time when I talk politics with people. No, I understand. And your position sucks.

You can't

Oh man you caught me