They say it takes 66 days to form a new habit. Opie has been off air 40

44  2017-08-09 by Dennyislife

Each day a trucker finds a new show.


66 days is a myth my man. After the first time I fapped, I have fapped once a day everyday.

Only once a day? I was double digits when I was 12.

Low testosterone fag.

Who says that?

Some fag in AA probably

Oh Jimmy...

21 days, idiot.

I thought it was 21 days.

You re thinking AIDS or walking dead

No I got addicted to drugs way faster than 66 days. That'd be a fucking blessing 65 days of drugs then u just stop

66 days

are you trying to get me in trouble?

Ant already had a show up and running at this point in time after his firing.

You'd think with all the whining and dining offers Tits has received that he would being doing something by now.

Don't you see the brilliance in the "pop-up shows"?

Opie has now done what, three? Between his $250/hr hanger-on and the 18 truckers on Twitter that encourage the two of them, he's got to be thinking this is some revolutionary media venture that's moments away from being picked up and going viral.

It sure would be a shame if he started getting Kratom packets.

damn, feels like yesterday when Paul nuked the show.

Hopefully he's off the planet in 26 days.

2.6 would be even better

I'm on the 65th day of doing Heroin and stuffing cucumbers in my asshole, i better stop before this becomes a habit.

Wooz day?