Jim & Sam Show 09/08/2017 Live Stream

4  2017-08-09 by porsalin


Is Anthony in today?

no Ant no listen

no blame you

No cumia? Nty

Just a heads up - the guests today include Jo Koy, Mary Jean and Kelsey Cook. I mean I could stop streaming now if you all prefer?

What utter fucking trash...

Jesus Christ. Worst line up ever.

In all her appearances, I don't think Kelsey Cook has ever said one original, entertaining line. She's either dead quiet or halfheartedly telling stories of Jimmy's shenanigans on the road. Why even both with her?

The same reason Jim brings any woman on the show. His peckah. He knows there's no chance of them fucking him but the idea of them being around turns him on.

She's the only one of his openers whose career success has not yet surpassed his own.

What the fuck is happening. They are talking about clothes from their youth for 40 minutes.

Literally could not go one hour without bringing up wrestling.

The bullies at Sam and Travis' schools failed and as a result of their collective failures we have to suffer through these two losers.

When Jo Koy is the most appealing of your three guests, you're doing something wrong.

When Covino and Rich doesn't represent a quality drop off you know your show sucks anus hair