I called off from work today and am now relapsing on 1.75 liters of Rum & probably Ambien later. AMA

7  2017-08-09 by Hold_My_Brush22


You gorgeous bitches.

How does it feel to know you are failing him?

Listen, bud. I pray to my Lord and Saviour Little Jimmy every night before I fall into a sober slumber. He knows my intentions are good just as I know I am powerless to the cock -- Rum... I mean rum.

What's rum? Rumpelstiltskin?

Fawk yeah!! Let's get ready to rum-ble, sock cucka

Redrum spell it backwards dvvdvvdvv


I feel like once the realisation regarding our pointless existence is had, it puts things in such an open and null perspective that's impossible to get rid of.

Our species will certainly die out someday, as will our planet; our galaxy is on a direct collision course with another galaxy and the universe itself is expanding away from itself. This is all for the moment and the moment is meaningless.

Anything that's ever been done, said, written or thought will be left into the infinite nothingless once it's all said and done.

So fuck it, I'm gonna have some goddamn rum.

I agree lol

you sound like you just started smoking weed

Just dust in the wind, bruh.

Fuck weed, dude. Unless, like, you have some or something.

Dry and now I'm drinking whiskey

You should get some acid and go for a walk in the woods. It's more interesting than rum, which basically just shuts you off.

But whatever rots your tomato dude.

narrow the scope, live simply, enjoy simple things

also zoloft and lots of weed

So you're an attention whore and a sack of shit (by simply being a member of this forum), but you're a relatively young dude and being an addict seems like a shitty way to go through life.

That objective "living in a cold, meaningless universe without purpose" realization is something everyone with half a brain goes through at some point in adulthood. Yes, your life is objectively pointless beyond swimming against the tide of your constant suffocating decay. Nothing in your life is necessary, in a very basic sense, aside from surviving. And if you had to worry about survival on a daily basis, guess what? You wouldn't have the free time to piss and moan about how pointless life is.

You, everything you love, and everything you can experience with your senses is going to burn out and die one day. When a little more hair grows on your pee pee you'll come to the realization that life is about the subjective much more than the objective. YOU have to give meaning to your life, whatever that may be. You'll be amazed at how quickly things start falling into place after that.

Or be a nihilist drunken pillhead dickbag redditer for the rest of your life, what do I care

Life has meaning only when we attribute meaning to it. You're so right! Omg I never saw it like that.

You Anthony Robins sounding mother fucker.

I feel like.. we have this sexual tension going on... that we need to address.

Ill suck you only after you pound my rectum.

There really is no reason to think that being a hunter gather would have impacted their free time. Being that I live in a part of the world that is warm enough for plants to grow 100% of the year, and I know how to forage for edibles. It wouldn't be that hard to survive.

simply put, humans have been wondering about our existence forever. Not because we have free time, but because our consciousness demands that we think about it. Even slaves who were being literally worked to death thought about their purpose in the universe.

Self awareness is a curse is what I'm saying.

Are you gonna drink the whole handle? I'm back up to a fifth a day.

I most likely will. Maybe half the thing w/ the ambien. A fifth is the perfect sleep aid.

Are you the liquor?

Fuck off Lahey

Knock knock.

Who's there?

A fuckin' pecka head who doesn't know how to mind his manners and who's a piece of gahbige!

How long were you sober for?

8 months give or take. Went on the keto diet, got in great shape. It was fun.

But rum's more fun.

Too bad jims advice show is gone. He couldve saved you with his "i dont man, it seems like its impossible but it does get better" speech.

You know what gets better? A hangover after a little more booze.

Why so little booze? If you're going to relapse, make it count. Fairy pussy.

I dunno man. I've been sober 30 years and as a survivor, you just don't know what's around the corner man. I used to go into the projects in Paterson to score crack as an 11 year old... and fukkman you just don't know what happens next.

Hey, I remember that Seinfeld episode!

The one where Jim Norton chokes on his hard boiled eggs on the toilet and dies painfully?

You know, you can moderately drink alcohol until you get a buzz and not get obliterated? Living a drunken life is fucking stupid. I did it. I will never go back. Drink just enough to avoid being drunk, drink lots of water, and wake up feeling normal


Dude, being a drunk loser is not cool. Your friends hate it, girls won't tolerate it and you're a emotional drain on your family. Be an adult and moderate.

You act like it's a choice, ignoramus. Are either of you going to be near Pt Pleasant 8/23-34? Seriously....

Believe me, I hate it too.

I took a bunch of Ambien with gin and woke up on the beach sunburnt so bad that I had to go to the hospital. I was on Percocet and funky smelling cream for a month. I still don't feel temperature right and parts of my skin are still peeling.

Have fun.

Yeah but was it worth it?

Absolutely. The legal percs were a real treat.

Yeah, but how much ambien? I was thinking like 5mg

Oh at least 50 or 60mg. My problem is as soon as I have one or two, the dumb pills tell me I need to have more for them to work.

Jesus dude. The most I've taken in 15mg and I only slept for like 14 hours.

The 5mg pills honestly work better for some reason (the little maroon ones at least). The 10's just seem to go down like gritty bitter water until its too late.

I have generic white ones. Do you insufflate?

I just put two 10's under my tongue and hope I fall asleep before I take too many or buy stupid shit online.

I don't know where you live, but CVS I the tri state area has little maroon generics that hit really hard for some reason.

The saddest thing is that I'm usually just trying to fall asleep.

That's honestly the saddest thing I've heard all day. And I've read Opie's Twitter..

How old are you?


I haven't had a drink in 4 months. Tonight I stopped and got a 1/2 pint of smirnoff for no reason and not a thought behind it. Drank the entire thing in one gulp and went on with my evening.


Just a taste. Lil taste.

Hey it's Gregorio Illidivich, author of the Feelin' Good posts. Was there a trigger (e.g., break-up, thought, money)?

Gregorio Ilidicich is the fictional son on a fictional father figure in a Norm Macdonald joke.

Um, and a breakup from like 8 months ago happened. It helped me get sober, though. I seem to get to boozing hard when things are going well. Self-destructive behaviour, I suppose.

Ambien+booze makes me sleep-eat. Not like make a sandwich, just grabbing the nearest edible thing and devouring it. Last time I woke up and vomited what looked like a gallon of cum, then walked into the kitchen, saw an open jar of mayonnaise and realized I'd been eating it with my fingers like a goddamn animal. That ever happen to you?

I actually have spooned up that olive-oil infused Mayo. It's really fucking good.

At least that's what my grandpa said was stained on my short collar the morning after my mother died while lying on the train tracks.

How about we go to work, while fucked up.

That's the next step in my program.

1) Why ambien? There are better drugs 2) Why combine ambien and booze? They do essentially the same thing. Drink tonight and save the ambien = you have more drugs in the future 3) How long is your cock?

Fighting off sleep while on Ambien is a pretty great way to drop all inhibitions without feeling sick from overdrinking. Drinking on top of it makes you uncontrollable and gives you the energy to fight off sleep. Great way to AMA.

Oh at least 50 or 60mg. My problem is as soon as I have one or two, the dumb pills tell me I need to have more for them to work.