Alex Jones, defender of Israel.

11  2017-08-08 by TinKnockinMoroccan


That's how I knew Alex was full of shit over a decade ago when I found out about him. He's probably the only conspiracy theorist who likes jews. Huge red flag.

Is his wife Jewish?

The one he just divorced was.

they're not even real cars.

I laughed way too hard at this.

the one that divorced him recently?

glenn beck loves Israel too afaik. I think he even went there to wisper something into cracks in some wall.

I can't wait until he's dragged off to the nuthouse, live on air, in the middle of his broadcast some day.

as long as he posts videos like this he is safe.

Israel is a highly intelligent, first world nation and ally to the United States. Explain again, without resorting to fringe conspiracy or Ron Paul type nonsense, why Israel is some sort of enemy?


Thought so. Funny since Israel actively supports and encourages European nationalism. Israel's PM publicly supported Hungary's Viktor Orban and criticized the refugee program. Not only this but Israel held out defending South Africa's apartheid regime even after the U.S. withdrew support. But this doesn't fit in with the "Jews are da evil!! new warld order!! RAWN PAWL" type shit that Alex Jones fans believe in.

Israel is a welfare state, who gives a fuck what they support. They're like the drunk girlfriend who causes shit at the bar and gets you in a fist fight. You don't need them. Cut funding and let Israelis and Palestinians kill each other.

  • Cut funding and let Israelis and Palestinians kill each other.*

Well it's a cool bumper sticker. But in reality Israel has a perfect geographic position which breaks up pan-arabism and any potential pan-islamic military power. Besides the obvious geopolitical benefits (having a key ally in a very wealthy, geographically important area of the ME) they also have gigantic economic benefits: Israel is a first world nation and a number of our companies have their HQ's there. Ever hear of Intel?

During the 6 day war Arabs were a fucking mess-- and mind you this wasn't a case of "big bad America funding a nation and protecting it" it was at the height of the Cold War and Arabs had access to Soviet equipment. They fought like retards and got their asses kicked by an obviously superior people-- I don't see the problem with that.

But no, we'd rather hunker down and let a bunch of sand niggers with IQ ranges in the mid 80's dominate it because... fuck who knows.

US has bases all over the region in muslim countries. US flies from Jordan Turkey Gulf countries.

When was the last time USA utilized Israel for anything - when was the last time Israel sent its soldiers to help US in any operation.

Most jews in Israel are litterly sand niggers, not everyone is from Russia over there.

explain to me, why a small group of people calling themselves "chosen people", are worth decades of war in the middle east?

we've spent billions, created millions of refugees, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, and lost thousands of americans fighting Israel's enemies in Syria, Libya, Iraq - as in Assad, Gaddafi, or Saddam. Next up is Iran. Lets not forget well documented false-flag attacks to get the United States to attack Egypt in the 60s and 70s, before Sadat signed the peace treaty.

All the while, al Qaeda and ISIS have never once attacked Israel, which isn't so odd because the idea of an "islamic state" lends credibility towards the idea of a "jewish state". A bunch of german and russian jews decided they were descendants of "chosen people" take land from others less than 1 lifetime ago, and that's worth billions of dollars to American taxpayers?

You're acting as if all those wars in the Middle East (some going back to the Cold War ear!) all revolve around Israel. Of course it can't have anything to do with our aligned political interests in keeping hostile powers off of billions of dollars worth of oil or whatever natural resource, no? Nor could it do with the close proximity of Middle Eastern powers to Western nations or anything right? [Iran could feasibly nuke European powers if they had nuclear capabilities, their missle technology seems to be efficient enough] Or how about a aggressive major power, hostile to Western/American influence in the world, creating a vassal state over an oil-rich nation in the Middle East? You can honestly talk all day about how our rather moderate interventions into Islamic nations have been overall beneficial for us. Even the people whining about "trillions and trillions lost!" probably don't consider the alternate history in which we hunker down and do nothing and crazy fundamentalists burn oil fields en masse causing a global economic crisis. Or a scenario in which an ISIS-like entity takes down Turkey and is on Europe's doorsteps.

the narrative wouldn't be successful if the result wasn't ISIS and 1 million refugees.

You asked a question about Israel, and I answered it. I do agree with a lot of what you said, but think about the "big switch" in terms of how we talk about terrorism. From global jihadists trained by the CIA to fight communists in Afghanistan, to "state sponsor of terrorism". What states? Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Iran. All "states" with governments hostile to Israel one way or another, and all states that have been involved in some sort of regime change plan since 9/11, that's created 1 million + refugees and ISIS in the chaos. You don't need Alex Jones to see 16 years after 9/11 none of these regime change wars benefited the US or Europe, only Israel.

Do you honestly think Iran has any interest to nuke a european power? All this arguing with Iran is over money, the nationalization of oil, and banking. Everything comes down to the currency in which the oil is sold, and who issues the currency. That's it. The Saudis are great allies because they sell oil in American dollars. Forget about anything else, it all comes down to oil and money. If that's the case, is all that oil and money worth 1 million+ refugees and ISIS playing real-life GTA in europe?

You can look up how the Yinon Plan from the 1980s is being played out now. This writing is published, and what looks like chaos actually seems like it's going according to plan for the balkanisation of the middle east, to being about "eretz israel". Get rid of secular "pan arab nationalism", replace it with a version of strict islam out of Saudi Arabia, and things become much easier once you've broken the borders.

That being said, I'm down with the new world order. I like what we have now more than tribalism and endless cycles of war. I like credit cards and air conditioning and dominos pizza. When it fails though, like with the 2008 banking collapse, or the 1 million Syrian refugees, or some agenda to feminize men out of hollywood, people are going to blame jews because they're in key positions of power and influence in these institutions. It's something you have to accept and you can't just blame Alex Jones for it. You have to take the good with the bad.

good goy

No shit, tranny.

I hope you didn't think this was some revelation to the alt right types.

I hope you didn't that comment was funny.

It wasn't supposed to be. I just assumed you thought there were a bunch of anti jew Alex Jones fans here and that you were going to school them.

Which was obviously what you were doing.

Your political senses are as bad as your comedic senses.

I see right through you, sir.

Why don't you see left through me?

Fawk yeah 👉👉


I hope you didn't that comment was funny.