How about that Trump guy huh?

8  2017-08-08 by redtheftauto



I'm here to offer hot takes. It's not my problem if you can't handle it!

where u at with PTC for our railroads

I think every railroad should have a pretty tranny cunt on it.

They're not all winners folks!

Cunt actually is engineer lingo for the moderately insulated outhouses set alongside lonesome railroad tracks in the case of extreme weather that causes a locomotive to break down. Emergency service directions take them firstly to this outpost, so an engineer could wait there or at least be aware of the closest point of entry that help would come from.

The origin is unsure but they'd radio to the closest waypoint about going to sit it out in their "cunt" to wait for assistance.

But a Loco's transmission would most definitely not be removed from the train, let alone fit inside this outhouse.

Try the napalm.

I live by DC, yet have nothing but utter indifference to the prospect of being nuked by North Korea. fawkin whatevs, ya live and ya learn, right?

I heard they have weapons of mass destruction

So Opie finally got a gig for the next popup show?

He's gonna grab North Korea by the you know what!

He'll grab North Korea by the Pyongyang

I dunno, it's tough, man...

go back to twitter, opie.

I thought someone had transcribed the open mic I just sat through.