Anthony is complaining about blacks on SiriusXM again. Undoubtedly costing himself any chance of landing a gig there again.

19  2017-08-08 by AppleBonfire


They were never going to hire him again, just allow him in the building.

But it's important work he's doing!

Yelling about minorities in his basement

I had to look at my phone to make sure it wasn't 2014 again. Fucking Anthony Cumia screaming about black people on Sirius XM is soooo 2008-2014

Blacks aren't people.

Whats even happening right now that warrants it?

Ant watched alien covenant and was angry at the amount of gays and blacks in it. "I know what they're doing!!"

They've done interracial stuff in sci fi since Star Trek.

Back when it was edgy and probably necessary. Now you HAVE to even if you feel the story you wrote doesnt warrant it

Back when it was edgy and probably necessary.

This is a good way to describe 95% of counter-racism "propaganda". 50 years ago it was useful. Now everyone is tired of hearing about it, and if Billy Bob is actually racist then the preachy "message" you are sending him isn't going to change his mind.

Were there even black people in that movie?

What, they had openly gay characters?

yeah but it's hard to tell - that stinker movie cut everything out

When one of the gun guys dies early on, the other guy is telling him how much he loves him, etc.

I love ant

I honestly only remember Danny McBride, Fassbender and the girl that gets sealed in the pod at the end.

It made me feel much younger. Was like slipping back in time.

He just can't help himself can he?

if they would just behave then Anthony wouldn't have to heroically fall on his sword all the time

They're not people!

I'm an outside observer, but as a whole they really seem burdensome

You gawd damn guineas really make me laugh!

Anthony should behave. TELL HIM TO BEHAVE!!!

Good. I mean the complaining about blacks part, not the losing of a non existent future gig part.

He's not entirely wrong.

It's his gimmick

Thanks, you saved me an hour on the replay.

He's complaining about himself?

It's the Jews fault. Had to have free labor.

Ant watched alien covenant and was angry at the amount of gays and blacks in it. "I know what they're doing!!"